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"Let me go". I whimpered as I tried another feeble attempt to break free from CJ's uncle's cold grip on me.

I was met with silence just as all my other pleas had been met. All these horrid scenarios ran rampant in my mind. Was he taking me to my death? Would he kill me or worse yet, hold me captive and let CJ finish me off in his torturous manner?

Bile clogged my throat as fear shook me to the core. Demarco always wore this hard, vicious scowl that was now directed towards me. I've never received a nice word from him and I'm sure he's not about to be chummy now. In fact I'm certain he's plotting my death as he drags me along the secret corridor to the Den. The place that was suppose to showcase my wedding would probably now host my funeral instead.

I'd heard terrible stories about Demarco and I'm sure I'd be the next story to add to his bookcase of victim's. Eventually our rapid walk came to an end and I found myself being shoved into a leather chair before a huge, mahogany desk. Apparently I was in the Kings office. "Please" . I begin to plead again.

"Shut your shit up now girl. If I want to hear anything from you I'll let you know. In other word's if I say jump your reply should be how high." .

I bit down on my lips trying to press them together to keep my sobs from spilling out. Instead an awkward noise rattled in the back of my throat. Trying to choke a sob down was harder than one would think. My chest literally hurt but that could be anxiety as well. I heard the door behind me open and and I knew it was a woman by the click of the heels. Sparing a sideways glance I saw CJ's mother Miri. Without looking at me she went to stand by her brother who sat behind the massive desk. Maybe she would be the one to kill me and serve my heart to CJ in one of her baked goodies. I'd definitely had heard that she wasn't exactly a ray of sunshine when angry. 

No sooner than she positioned herself beside her brother Demarcos voice boomed out causing me to jump. "I don't give a fuck about the how's or why's of this situation. The fact of the matter is that it happened and it involved my son and nephew" .

He paused and leaned across the desk to peer at me deeply. His eye's seemed to penetrate my soul and looked like black empty pools of nothingness. In a menacing whisper he hissed. "Do you realize how important these two men are to me, my family and this Empire?"

I shook my trembling head yes and squeaked out. "I do".

The bastard laughed and leaned back in his chair. "No, I don't believe you do. You see they are both to be kings one day and I will not allow their partnership and blood be tainted by a common, everyday whore."

" I-I'm not a whore". I protested weakly.

He laughed again. "Oh but yes you are. You saw money, power and a chance to get away from your coffee shop girl day's. You tried to sink your claws into my family. Gain our last name and reap our benefits but I'm pulling the plug on your game."

I shook my head and looked at CJ's mother in hopes for a bit of understanding. Miri's face remained the same but she did speak. "Don't take it personal Alice. This is business, family business. CJ is my world, all my children are as well as my nieces and nephews. This family is my reason to keep on and I refuse to see what my parent's built destroyed by some sordid love triangle. Therefore we will eliminate the equation. Remove the problem so to speak".

"Are you going to kill me?"  I wept.

Miri grinned like a she devil and my sweaty skin prickled with a sudden chill. "Of course not dear, we aren't monsters or at least I'm not, I don't think so anyways.  True, Dem did suggest we make your face go milk carton famous but luckily he has a voice of reason, we call her Sam, his wife".

The door opened again and in walked Sam. It was if the mere mention of her name conjured her up. Immediately Dem pulled her onto his lap and nipped her neck. "I wasn't aware you was joining us cupcake".

" someone had to make sure you didn't lose your shit". Sam teased.

Demarco looked at me as he stroked his wife's face. "Say thank you to my queen. She's the only reason you will walk away from here alive".

"Thank you". I sputtered.

Miri spoke up again. "Nothing against you Alice but I can't allow you to be around once my son wakes. There will be no wedding or no relationship with any Harper or Butini. In fact within a few month's you will be forgotten, a love lesson learned to both boy's. Once you are gone and CJ wakes this family will work hard to repair the boy's relationship so you simply can't be around. Your presence will only stir the pot. My brother will discuss the details with you."

Miri took a seat on the couch as Demarco took over. "I've looked into your past and I must say it's very interesting. I understand that you assume your uncle is dead and that you possibly killed him?"

" I didn't mean to. Let me explain ". I begged.

Demarco held his hand up to quiet me. "I don't care so save your speech. However you've been misinformed. Your uncle is alive and well. In fact I have some men with him as we speak. Of course he doesn't know who or what they are but he's drunk and spilling the beans so to speak. He's actually hunting you to have a bit of revenge."

My stomach dropped at hearing this shocking news. A flood of emotions swamped me. Anger for being made to believe I was a murderer all this time. Fear that he was hunting me and not knowing Demarcos intentions with this information. "I was told I killed him". I muttered.

Demarco handed me video evidence of my uncle. He sat on a bar stool and it was apparent that he was hammered. Demarco men sat by him as bar patrons chatting him up. The sick bastard was really alive. Demarco snatched the device away and cleared his throat. "Since I'm feeling nice today I will give you two options. My jet is on standby to take you to a disclosed location where you will be put up in a rent free home, given another name along with documentations and enough money to support you comfortably for a year. You will have a fake degree so you can find a decent job. You will never return to this state nor have any contact with either boy. We will erase you. Now if you turn this down the other option is that you will be hand delivered to your uncle complete with a bow".

Neither option sounded appealing but I could never return to my uncle. I looked at Miri with teary eye's. "I'm sorry for the trouble I caused all of you. I never meant to hurt CJ, I really do love him. It's not what it seems I swear" .

Demarco voice cut me off. "Make your decision, I haven't got all damn day. Make it now before I make it for you".

I didn't want to leave CJ either. I really did love him and it sickened me to think it took this to make me realize how much I did love him. "I'll go".

" your belongings have been packed and are being sent to the plane. If you disobey my rules I will personally kill you. Your new name and information will be waiting for you in the plane"

In the next instant a few men came in and took me away. Just like that I was erased from the life and people I knew. I didn't bother looking at the information left for me. I had no interest in knowing who I was about to become. Emotionally exhausted I finally fell off to sleep. When I awoke one of the men grinned. "Welcome to Paris".

With unsteady hands I opened the envelope and stared at my new name

Welcome to Paris Nina Maloy.

Double Down (a double standards series) Dark Romance (Part 7)Where stories live. Discover now