Alice In No Land

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What was it about this near stranger that draws me in so? He'd been stopping by the shop daily for the last se,veral month's. His order was always the same and he spoke very few word's. He was gorgeous though and those eye's he had were amazing. I had to pull my stare away on many occasions. Then it happened one day, he actually talked and it wasn't to mumble his order. He simply stated that his grandparents had passed away. My heart went out to him, he looked so sad and alone. I knew his word's and sudden show of emotions embarrassed him because he rushed off.

Later I would bump into him while attending my fiance Derrick's friend's party. I was shocked that he approached me and started up a conversation. Naturally Derick intruded and mortified me with his behavior. However CJ popped up at my job the next day and I really did enjoy our chat, well except for a few awkward moment's. When he asked why I came to New York I lied through my teeth. At the same time I could sense that he knew I was lying. There's no way I could tell him the truth. It's too humiliating and I'm ashamed. Besides I don't know him well enough to disclose such personal information.

I'm twenty-three now but at the age of seventeen I ran away from home. It was the only choice I had if I wanted to survive. I am from Washington, that part was true. When I was twelve my parent's were killed in a car crash. From there I was sent to live with my uncle and Aunt in Kansas. I'd only met them a few time's in my life so if course I was nervous. Parent's gone, New town, New family and leaving all I ever knew behind.

At first they greeted me warmly and like loving individuals but that was all for show for the social worker's. It didn't take long for their true colors to shine through and I figured out why they wanted me. I was only a paycheck to them. They didn't care for me, they just wanted the assistance they'd gain by taking a orphan in. Not only that, my parent's had been successful so I came with a rather large sum of money. Of course as my new guardians they had access to my assets. They spent through my belongings in a breeze. New car's, clothes, trips and parties. All the while I walked around in rags, tangled hair and was only given one meal a day if I was lucky. When they would entertain their friend's I was to stay hidden in my moldy basement room that I shared with the rats. I could always tell when it was time for the social worker to pay a visit. A week before they would give me three healthy meals a day, buy me a new set of clothes and clean me up well. They would also coach me on what not to say. I was told that if I leaked out the truth that no one would ever find my body. I was only a child so of course I believed them.

At fifteen my Aunt ran off with another man leaving me alone with my uncle. She also took what remaining money I had left after they blew through it. In return my uncle begin to drink heavily and I woke one night to find him staring at my sleeping form. Thankfully he went away but it only grew worse from there. I would catch him leering at me often then the suggestive comments begin. I begin to stay awake all night and sleep duiring my classes. Then it happened, I was washing the dinner dishes when he grabbed me. He placed his sour mouth on my neck and started to fondle me. I was scared and in a panic I gripped a iron pan I had been washing and smashed it over his head. My uncle fell to the floor and didn't move. I wasn't sure if he was dead or not. All I knew was that I had to get out. Removing his wallet, I took out all he had, which wasn't much, packed a small bag and left.

Three day's later I found myself in New York. The money I had stolen didn't get me far and soon I was sleeping on the street's. I tried to find work but no one wanted to hire a dirty, homeless teen. That's when Derick came along and saved me.

I'd been on the street's for nearly three month's and he passed by everyday. Usually he would drop a few coins in a paper cup I used to collect money for a meal. This time he scooped down and asked me to join him for lunch. He seemed trustworthy in his suit and clean cut ways so I accepted. Hungry, scared, naive me broke down and told him my story. By that evening I was living under his roof, clean, clothed and feed.

Derrick was so sweet and kind at first and I saw him as my knight on a white horse even though he was older than me. By this time I was eighteen and he twenty-eight. It all happened so fast from there. He came home from the bank in a foul mood then spat at me. He claimed that he researched my story and that I had in fact killed my uncle that night. In order for my secret to remain unknown and remain out of prison I had to do as he said. He now owned me and if I disobeyed he'd turn me over to the authorities. Needless to say, I lost my virginity that night in the most humiliating way. From then on I was to give myself to him any time he wanted.

After three year's he decided it was time I moved from his home. I was cramping his style with his other women, respected women. I was still his though to do as he pleased. I was his punching bag as well as sex slave. Many time's he threatened to kill me and I believed him. I knew he was a dirty person and dabbled in illegal activities outside of just being a banker.

He found me a small apartment and allowed me to work at the coffee shop. Other than that I had no friend's other than his and I lived in fear. I knew I shouldn't be talking to CJ because Derick would know. He always found out everything.

That night after I closed up the shop I felt so happy. Just that tad of human communication did my soul good. This feeling of happiness was so New to me yet I knew wrong. Derrick would make me pay. I didn't like CJ in that way because I barely knew him but he was so easy to talk to not to mention very handsome. On my way home my thoughts were consumed with him and I couldn't stop smiling. As I entered my apartment I was still smiling until I heard Derick's nasal voice. "What took so long Alice?" He asked suspicious .

"I had a few late customers" . I replied trying to keep my voice steady.

"Are you lying to me Alice?"

" No, of course not Sir". I said softly.

He rose from his seat and strode over to me. Like a cracking whip he struck his palm to my cheek. I knew I wasn't allowed to cry out so I but down on my lips. Derrick never wanted the neighbors to hear the beatings he gave me. "You lied to me Alice. I know very well who your customer was. Tell me, is this beating going to be worth it, worth talking to him?"

" No Sir". I stammered.

Derrick removed his tie and indicated for me to turn around. I knew what he wanted, I'd been through this several time's. He intended to gag me so the neighbors wouldn't hear my cries as he beat me. "Please Derick no. I'm sorry. I'll never speak to him again. Please don't do this".

" turn around now". He gritted out.

Slowly I turned around. I knew the more I begged the worse my beating would be. He placed his tie In my mouth and tied it securely. Immediately he gripped my hair and hissed. "With every slap, every blow, every wail of pain I want you to picture his face. Understand he did this to you. He caused this".

With that I felt my head being slammed into the wall. Searing pain radiated across my forehead. Gripping my by my throat he pulled me back where his raised knee awaited to jab me in the center of my back. I could taste the saltiness of my tears as his lashing continued. By the time he had finished I was curled up into a tight ball on the floor. I could feel blood trickling from my nose and my body felt as if I had been hit by a car. "Get the fuck up and shower. I want you on your bed within ten minutes and ready for me".

Slowly I pulled my battered body off the floor and stumbled my way to the bathroom. Every bone in my body screamed with each movement. The night went by slowly as Derick had his way with me over and over. In the end he smoothed my hair back and whispered lovingly. "Oh how I hate for you to make me punish you. It truly hurts me more than you know".

" I'm sorry for upsetting you". I murmured.

He smiled satisfied then stood. "By the way, if I catch you near him again I will kill him and cart you off to prison. Now rest up. I'll notify your boss that you want be in tomorrow" .

The next thing I heard was my door closing as he left and I finally could let my cries out.

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