Chasing The Unchaseable

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Going to sleep that night was hard. I'd close my eye's and see a vixen in a red dress and when I tried to push thoughts of Alice away I'd only think of my grandparents or their murderers. Needless to say I got little to no sleep but still managed to rise with the sun. Yep, a day like this calls for a coffee. Preferably a mint chocolate coffee.

After showering and dressing I headed down stairs and wasn't too shocked to hear silence. Since that tragic day it seems everyone has stopped functioning. Usually by this time you would smell coffee and breakfast fixings wafting through the air. Not to mention laughter, banter and the newest Harper argument amongst ourselves. It's true, we love to argue and goad each other but trust and believe.... The blood runs thick.

But since that fateful night it seems everyone was in a dismal mood. Of course I understood why and yes I'm still dealing with the loss in my own way but I'm scared for my family and this Empire. I wonder if we will ever pull away from this and be the same rowdy, unruly bunch again. At times I feel guilty for not wallowing in my pain as the other's but it's not because my hurt isn't as deep as the other's. In fact it hurts so bad at times my body literally aches but I have a unspoken promise to keep. Before my Pop Pop took his last breath he looked into my eye's and I could see the worry for the family in his fast fading orbs. I knew what he was trying to say to me so I nodded my head to assure him that I'd do everything to hold the family together. Only then did a slight smile crease his lips as his eye's closed for eternity. I would keep this last promise to my Pop Pop. As the oldest grandchild it was my responsibility to do so.

Stepping in the kitchen I grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl Sam had carefully arranged. Turning I saw Demarco sitting at the table slaving away on what little information we had. It was obvious he hadn't slept in day's. Going to the fridge, I grabbed some juice and poured him a glass. "Drink up uncle then bed".

He shot me one of his eat shit looks but before he could retort whatever smart comeback he brewed up I blasted the stereo. I knew exactly what I needed to do to begin the healing process. With a touch of the remote, I switched it over to Pop Pop's favorite album. This was his ritiual when we was all under the same roof. Pop Pop would blast this album as he prepared a feast of a breakfast for all of us. Going to the fridge, I took out all the ingredients needed and prepared my work space. I glanced over my shoulder at my uncle. Demarco sat there with his arm's crossed giving me a "Don't you dare" look.

Smiling brightly, I cracked a egg to the beat of the music and dropped it in the pan while looking at him. He jumped up from his seat and I braced myself for the smack to the back of my head that I was sure would come. Instead, to my surprise, he washed his hands as he cursed in Italian. Soon he was beside me cracking eggs as well. As the moment's passed the other's trickled in one by one to see what was going on. First was Pape. He stared for a moment then shrugged his shoulders. "Why the hell not?" He said as he washed up and started chopping the veggies and fruits.

Next was Mizery who peeked in, in her silent, sneaky way. After a split second she revealed what some may call a smile but I preferred to call it the smirk of a serial killer. Coming on in she started mixing the pancake batter. Jenell along with Demetrius bounced in next and giggled when they seen what was going down. Immediately both girls jumped in and started setting the dinning room table. Heir and Sire bounced in next rubbing their bellies in the same fashion, twins to the fullest extent. Obviously the smell of food beckoned them down. Shrugging they sat forth to cook the bacon and sausage. Sam waltzed in and stood back smiling taking it all in. Walking up she hugged Demarco from behind and started on the toast. Eventually mom peered in at us. By now we were all singing aloud to Pop Pop's favorite song and laughing. We all stopped once we noticed mom. With tears in her eye's she shook her head no and started to back out. Pop Pop grabbed her. "Join us baby girl, it'll be good for you, for all of us. Your Pape would want you to".

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