Little Temptress

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I'm sure my cheeks were flushed crimson as I stood before the opened door. Sire stood there wearing only a pair of sweet pants and nothing more. For the life of me I couldn't peel my gaze from his taunt stomach, muscular pecs and the sweat pants that hung low revealing my weakest part of the male anotomy... The sexy V.

Seeming a bit impatient or it could have been annoyed, Sire arched his brows at me indicating for me to spit it out, tell him why I was at his door. Stammering, I finally made eye contact with him. "I-I'm sorry to bother you it's just that".

I paused and my teeth begin to worry my bottom lip. Tears I tried to hold back welled up in my eye's and in a cracky voice I continued. "It's CJ. I don't know what to do. I have no one to talk to about it and if I keep it in much longer it will drive me insane".

I sniffled a few time's as I awaited Sire's reply.  He continued to stare at me with the same expression. Obviously he meant it when he told me to stay away from him. Taking a few steps back I nodded my head slowly as I fought to choke down a sob that threatened to escape. "I'm sorry. I should have respected your wishes and not have came. I'll go now". I barely choked out.

I turned to leave when I heard the door open wider. "Wait. Stop Alice. Jesus Christ I can't believe I'm doing this." . He muttered.

I turned back to face him. "Just come in okay. We'll talk".

Nodding my head I slowly entered his apartment. I stopped in the foyer with my back toward him. I heard the door shut and the click of multiple locks. Sire then walked past me to the kitchen where he filled the kettle with water for tea. As I entered I saw his gun stuffed into the waistband of his sweats hidden neatly behind his back. However I didn't fear him, not Sire.

He pulled a chair out for me to sit but instead I found myself falling into his arm's. Well basically I threw myself onto him and buried my face into his naked chest. At first Sire's arm's remained at his side as if he touched me CJ would know. Eventually I felt his strength wrap around me enveloping me into his safe cocoon. My dam busted and I let my sadness out as he gently stroked my back while whispering comforting word's.

After a long moment I pulled away and swiped my eye's with the back of my hand. "I'm sorry I'm such a mess. I don't mean to lay my burdens on you but I have no one else I can trust. You're my best friend" .

Sire steered me toward the chair and sat me down. "It's fine Al. You can have my shoulder as well as my ears".

I gave a weak smile. "I'd go insane if I didn't have you, yet I'm probably causing you to go crazy".

A faint tilt graced the corner of his mouth. "More than you know Al, more than you know".

" I'm so sorry Sire for everything. Why is it everyone I get close to it always seems to blow up? What's wrong with me? I'm cursed or some shit".

Sire clasped my hands into his hands. "Don't say that. Nothing's wrong with you. They were the one with the problem not you".

" Maybe". I agreed half heartily.

Sire rose to fix us the tea and I brought up what was currently bugging me out. "I spoke to CJ again earlier. He's still hell bent on getting married in a few week's.  In fact I'm suppose to be planning this event as I sit here but I can't find the want to do so. You 're suppose to be excited about planning such an event but all I feel is dread. I don't know how to make him understand ".

Placing the tea in front of me he returned to his usual seat but didn't say anything. I assumed it was awkward having me talk to him about another man, his cousin no less. After a moment I muttered mostly to myself. "I don't know what I can do to get out of this. It's not like I have a say so and I can't make a run for it with his goons always guarding all exits".

Double Down (a double standards series) Dark Romance (Part 7)Where stories live. Discover now