He's Got Me

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As CJ soaked in the warm bath I gently bathed him and cleaned his wounds. My mind couldn't absorb how his very own father and uncle could do this to him. As if that wasn't enough his own mother stood by and allowed it to continue. If I hadn't of stepped in there's no telling how far they would have taken it.

Seeing CJ being hurt so bad by the one's who claimed to love him filled me with an aching sadness. I wondered what all he has endured at their hands. All I wanted to do was hold him and take away his pain.

Duiring the bath CJ remained quiet which was fine by me. Sometimes silence can be more powerful than word's. My thoughts were consumed with taking care of him and being his rock right now, as I'm sure his mind was on his pain.

After gently scrubbing and rinsing the shampoo from his hair I noticed that the water had grown cool. Retrieving a towel from the lien closet I held it up for him to step into. Slowly I patted him dry then helped him step into a pair of sweats. Carefully I eased him into bed. His eye's never left me through the entire process. His eye's that were so magnetic and always seemed to lure me in yet eye's that also emitted fire and cruelty now seemed dull and vacant. His hurt radiated out through them but as he watched me care for him I saw something new. I saw love and thankfulness shining through. Tucking the blankets around him I handed him the television remote. Leaning down I placed a tender kiss gently over his swollen, bruised cheek. "Let me freshen up and I'll make you something delicious to eat".

As I turned to go I felt my wrist slightly being tugged on. Looking back down at him he offered a half smile through his cut lips. CJ never said a word but he didn't need to. For I understood what he meant even if he couldn't say it right now. Smiling back I nodded my head in understanding. I knew he was thankful for me being here and helping him duiring this dark hour and that was enough. I didn't need his word's to verify what this meant to him.

Rushing through my shower, I tossed a clean, white button up shirt on of CJ's and padded to the kitchen. With his lips in such bad shape I knew he needed something soft to eat. Searching the cupboards I rounded up the ingredients  for a tasty noodle soup my mother use to make me when I was under the weather but that was before my life changed forever and my parents ripped from me. Not one for cooking I hoped my soup did my mother justice.

Placing a steamy bowl on a tray along with a water I carefully made my way back to CJ's room. Sitting the tray down I fluffed his pillows and helped him sit up. I can't explain it but my need to care for this man only heightened. Even though he could feed himself I took it upon myself to do so. I brought a spoonful of liquid goodness to his lips. As I feed him his eye's stayed locked on mine. This was by far the most intimate experience I've ever had in my life. No, we wasn't physically touching or naked, this was much more, deeper. This was a connection beyond the sheets.

As I watched him watching my every move my emotions collapsed and my eye's teared. Concern breached his face. "Are you okay Angel. You wasn't hurt back there was you?"

I shook my head no and rubbed my eye's. "I... It just hurt seeing that happen to you. How could they do that, allow such. I can't get all these images out of my head at what your childhood must have been like. What you may have went through and I hurt for you".

CJ gave me a tender smile and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "Angel baby, you have it misconstrued. My childhood was wonderful. Yes I went through excessive training and beatings but for a purpose. My family loves me. I know it might not have seemed like it earlier but I brought this upon myself. I deliberately defied my uncle and showed disrespect. He is a King as well as my father. My actions disgraced the family as well as myself. I'm a soon to be leader and should act as such. I know this doesn't make sense to you but it's our way and overtime you will understand why thing's like this happen. I deserved that beating".

Hearing him it reminded me of an abused victim. You know the one's who won't leave the abuser because they love them to much or they think they deserve it. But I also knew his world wasn't like mine. "I understand that but understand this.. I will never allow them or anyone else to ever lay a finger on you. You are mine and I will hurt anyone who tries".

CJ cackled and pulled me close with more strength than I thought he would have considering his condition. "I think I'm the one that's supposed to say that. I protect you and I will with my life. However I have enjoyed watching you care for me tonight. I've never had such treatment and you'll never know what it meant to me. You're perfect and I thought I loved you before but after tonight let's just say love is too weak of a word to describe what I feel for you. I infinity you".

Cupping my chin in his hand he placed his lips upon mine. Moments later I found myself straddled atop him trying to cause no harm to his injuries. Later as we dozed off in each other's arm's CJ whispered into my hair. "You passed the test with the family. Thing's will be different now".

Before I could ask what test his soft snoring filled the silence. The next day after a healthy lunch we sprawled out on the couch enjoying a movie. Suddenly the door burst open and in marched his family. Instantly my protective instincts roared to life and I jumped up. Grabbing CJ's cow prod from the coffee table I stood in front of CJ like a brick wall. "Leave. No one will come near him and God help the one who dares to try".

Demarco have me a hard stare as the women smiled. "It's okay darling. No one is here to harm my son. We came to check on him so there's no need to weld that prod about." . Miri said.

Not trusting her word's I didn't let up. "Come on sweetie. We have shopping to do. Miri has spotted a beautiful dress that says was made for you. She wants you to try it on and wear to next week's dinner event". Sam said stepping forward.

CJ stood and removed the prod from my grip. "Could I kindly have my weapon back. Now relax and go with my mom. Everything is cool here. My mom will only torture you with her fashion sense. Go."

I felt myself being pulled away by the women but my eye's caught Demarco's and issued him a warning. The other's laughed as Miri locked her arm through mine. "I'm going to love you Alice" . She said with laughter.

Double Down (a double standards series) Dark Romance (Part 7)Where stories live. Discover now