The Gank

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Hoseok watched the camera carefully, as the chairman along with a few security guards dressed in suits came out.

"Go time! Let's go, move it!"

He shouted in the big white van, as Taehyung and Jimin woke up annoyed as they groaned. They got themselves up in time before Hoseok could dump water on their face.
Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook quickly get out of the van, and into the mission field.

They were dressed in a big black jumper, with black hats that were purposely lowered down really far.

They easily got passed through the first round of security using the excuse,

"We are here to repair the elevator."

But the second round of security isn't as what they expected. They walked past by a security guard, but instead the security guard stops them in their footprints to confront them;

"I thought Mr. Song would be with you, he's our guy for these problems. Where is he?"

Taehyung turned, as the other two did so slowly. He read the guard, noticing how sweaty he is, and how his eyes tell a story of fright laying beneath his corneas.

His socks were mismatched, and his badge was on the wrong side. He double layered his underwear, being that a thick white undergarment was seen right at the edge of his shirt.

For some, many people would leave that fact alone, even if they could see it.

But Taehyung could do what others can't, and it's reading people. He smirks, knowing that this guard would be easy to fool. He could get into his mind easily, as long as no one saw him. Call it hypnotizing if you want, but he would rather prefer, "Just doing Taehyung the Taehyung way."

He looked all around him thoroughly before letting his back to any witnesses.

"Right, Mr. Song."

Taehyung then pulled out his hand, seeing that there was a ring. But that wasn't an ordinary ring, it was Taehyung's escape into the guard's mind.

He flicked his fingers, snapping twice whilst pulling the guards attention easier then tugging on a rope.

His long and straight finger with the ring on his index, points to the elevator where a woman was standing.

Except in the guard's mind it wasn't a women. It was the one and only, Mr. Song.

The security guard soon realized that he was mistaken and that Mr. Song was clearly presented right in front of him. He quickly looked back at Taehyung and apologized.

"Oh, I didn't see him walk in. Please, continue."

The guard quietly spoke, as he moves aside to leave. Making the three men get ready for action.
They use the stairs to go up the third floor, landing in the bathroom where Namjoon awaits.

The bag Jungkook was carrying had his stuff but also carried Namjoon's outfit, which was exactly what the other two men were wearing right now.
All four changed clothes, attaching ear pieces in order to communicate with each other.

"I've installed the cameras, just make sure when it's lockdown to smash them and bring it in a bag."

Namjoon looked over to Jimin, as he nodded. The leader and the two men walk out together without sharing another word, splitting as Namjoon head right and they casually turned left.

They walked into a restaurant that was inside the building itself, prancing around before meeting Jimin's target from a distance. He checked his watch, as it read 9 p.m.

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