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"You got me there."

I giggle, He laughs sweetly again,

"Hey, don't try anything on me."

His hands go up in surrender, as his head tilts upwards. Taehyung comes back with two drinks in hand, giving me one.

"Thank you, but I thought you don't drink."

He smiles, "It's Coke, yours isn't."

"Oh, makes sense. Thank you." I say.

Taehyung turns to Jimin, as he points at him.

"Who's this?"

Seriously? Wait, why is he acting like he doesn't know him? Are they trying to do something with me?

"Nice try, she knows me asshole."

Taehyung managed to keep the expression going.

"What do you mean?"

"She did research on me, she knows I know you."

I smile as I take a sip, soon later making a sound from the bitter aftertaste.

"So, what was the plan?"

Taehyung leans in, "Huh?"

Jimin gulps, "What do you mean?" I take another sip before continuing.

I chuckle, "Two guys that are professional cons next to one girl with power. What is it, huh?"

Jimin laughs as he waves his hand, "Nothing I swear. Just testing out if Taehyung really does like you."

"So does he?" One more sip.

Jimin nodded, as he sit back to relax his tense shoulders. Surprisingly Taehyung doesn't deny anything, which I suspect more.

"Hey Jihyo? What's your iPhone password?"

I laugh, "Why?" As I take another sip.

Taehyung smiles again, "So I can add myself on your social medias."

I gave it to him anyways, I had too many sips and now I'm a bit sober.

"It's 'Password03'"

Taehyung chuckles, "A bit complex don't you think?"

I laugh, "It's great huh?"

As I take one more sip before stopping. I saw my close friend coming to me.

"Jihyo!" I stand up to give her a hug, as she did to me.

"You look beautiful!" She says.

"Thanks, and like always you do too." I reply without hesitation.

She pulls my arm, "Come dance with me!"

I look behind to see the dance floor already filled with people.

"What? no, I can't-"

She drags my arm, as she walks into the crowd.

"Oh c'mon, get loose!"


She starts dancing, waving her hips and letting her arms fly in the air. I tried having the same mentality. Get lost to some Drake, it wouldn't hurt right?


-Taehyung's point of view-

"Hey dude, text Jungkook that." I say as I watch Jihyo walk out.

"I don't think her iPhone password would be the same as everything else."

"We gotta try."

Jimin dials Jungkook on the phone, calling him.

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