My Turn

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- Back to the narrator point of view/ the person that knows everything but isn't in the story point of view -


Taehyung smiles proudly as he sits on his couch. Namjoon walks in, seeing the boy home after two hours when they first left.

Namjoon took a seat next to Taehyung, as Taehyung closes his eyes, resting his neck at the curved edge of the couch.

"You did it? You got closer with her?"

Taehyung hummed, nodding.


Namjoon does the same thing as Taehyung, resting his neck but at an angle. Jimin walks in, sitting in the next chair.

"The one time I fail, it goes to Taehyung huh."

"Jimin, don't get so jealous now. You still have Jungkook to give pleasure to."

Jimin chuckled, "Shut up, you know I would do it better."

"Whatever makes you happy."

Namjoon mutters, "What the fuck, You guys are soo gross I swear."

Jimin replies back, "C'mon boss, you know you would like it from me too."

Jin walks in, standing a bit confused, then realized what they were talking about.

"A bunch of straight guys playing with each other. When did I agree to this? For fuck's sake."

He heads in to the kitchen, looking for a drink to sip at.

Namjoon opens his eyes, and lifts his head to turn to Taehyung, who was still quiet with his closed eyes.

"So what happened?"

"I have her number, and I know some of her kinks already."

Jimin sputtered in surprise, "That quick?"

He slightly inhale, nodding. "For the last time, I read people. Stop acting so fucking surprised."

Jimin begins with curiosity, "Well, what are they?"

"Simple things, like whispers and rough voices. She's surprisingly a soft girl, I guess you were right about her being all so pure."

"Bet, she should be easy."

Taehyung turns to face Jimin, except his eyes were still shut closed.

"Hey, let me have this one."

Jimin leans in, giggling. "Oh, looks like Tae finally has some interest in a girl huh."

"Shut the fuck up, I wanna try too okay?"

"I thought you weren't interested with fucking up girls."

"And I thought your interests were just pussies but you suck dick too."

"I'm straight dumb bitch."

"That doesn't mean anything compared to what you've put in your mouth before."

Namjoon stepped in verbally,

"Hey you two, shut up. I don't feel like hearing fights today, its too late into the night for this shit."

Jimin chuckles a bit with irritation.

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