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-Taehyung's point of view-

"I know it's going to be hard, but-"

Namjoon puts his arm up, signaling me to stop.

I've just explained everything, about Jihyo and how I'm leaving the group.

If I want to show Jihyo I love her, I need to start somewhere. And I want to become a better version of myself.

As I was speaking, I watched to see that the guys facial expression did not change. They were unbothered, like they knew it already.

"Taehyung, we know."

I look up slightly confused.

"Yoongi told us," he continued.

"We all gave it some thought. We thought you were stupid and being a dumbass at first."

Jin continued for him, "But, we realized that we're growing old. And we can't make a living out of this anymore."

Jimin sighs, "So we decided to leave with you. We aren't going to be cons, just ordinary people."

Hoseok added, "That has jobs."

I chuckle, "Deadass?"

They all nodded in response.

"Well, where are you guys going to go?"

Yoongi finally spoke up, "We're staying here. But if you wanna speak job wise, I have no fucking clue."

They all chuckled at Yoongi's response.

"I have an idea," I spoke out.

"We've been tackling businesses our whole life. We know a good amount, so why don't we start our own?"

Jungkook replied, "Not bad, I could clean our history out. Get rid of that criminal record. But how and where are we going to start?"

I laid back in my chair, "I know someone who can help us."



-Jihyo's point of view-

"Hey, babe?" He asks.

I finally gave in with the nicknames, and decided to answer his call at my work place after the sixth time.

"What is it that you keep calling me knowing I'm busy?"

"I just miss you." I could hear his light laughter.

"Are you horny?" I laughed at my own question.

"Not yet, but can you do me a favor?"

I placed some papers that I completed in the back.

"What is it?" I sigh at the level of stress that's rising.

"Can you get me and the boys to work there?"

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