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-Jihyo's point of view-

It's been two full weeks since the incident. Since I lost him, and here I am counting the days. All I did was lose everything. Now I'm scared I'm losing myself.

I talked it all out with my dad about the business issue, it's not like he gave a fuck. But luckily Secretary Kim was there to save my ass, or else I wouldn't be in the office right now.

Once that "event" happened, Taehyung never answered my calls, or replied to my texts. He disappeared very quickly. Since then I miss him.

It hurts to say this, but I miss him.

I've been counting off every single day until something happens, but I'm so sick of it. Why do I keep following someone that isn't going to turn around to notice me?

I don't care if him and his friends took all the money from us. I don't care if they took over our business.

The only thing I care about is him. I spoiled him with everything, I told him things I wasn't comfortable with usually saying. It was almost as if he could read my mind.

I felt a connection that I've never felt before. It was introduced to me and yet I should've suspected him from the beginning.

I'm too soft. That's all I am.

I sigh, "Jihyo don't be like this." I say, trying not to cry.

"That's it. You're going to be strong. Enough of waiting. I'm done."

I don't know if I'm telling myself lies or feeding myself the truth. But whatever it is, it's helping me.


-Taehyung's point of view-

I don't know how Jimin does it. How he's able to leave a girl with a broken heart. Maybe I'm being too fragile or soft on her.

But it's really bugging me. All I can think about is comforting her. Telling her I'm the jerk, letting her cry on my shoulder. Letting her know I'm here to protect her.

I don't know when I first said "I love you". I don't know if it's fake or real, if it's sweet or bitter.

I've fucked around with girls before, but this is the first time I've had left over lingering feelings for.

The first time I've broken someone's heart.

I look back at my notifications, at all the missed phone calls and texts she sent me.

She gave me so many chances to come back, but she soon gave up. Great, she'll think I'm just another fuckboy.

But I'm not, I don't want to be.

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