Pinky Out

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*Jihyo's point of view*
I wait patiently as my hands wrap around the small mug full of hot chocolate. Although I don't have my phone to communicate, I'm sure that he'll arrive soon.

I watch as a couple walks down the street hand in hand, heart in heart and soul in soul. They smile as they sweetly fall in love with one another.

I look down as my legs are crossed, my bracelet hanging from my wrist. I checked the time, showcasing that it was almost noon. Maybe I'm just too early, that's all.

I patiently wait, I can't do much and I'm spending my useful time that costs millions as the small hand on the clock ticks by.

I hear a bell noise from behind, seeing a man in casual business apparel walk in. I assumed it was Minho, as he walks closer towards me.

I wanted to act natural so I quickly stare out into the clear window, watching people do ordinary things.

"Jihyo? I didn't know you were this free today," the man said in a deep voice. He emphasized the word "this" concluding that it wasn't Minho.

I turn my head to see who it was, and the one and only Taehyung stood there.

"What are you doing here? Where's Minho?"

He simply shrugs, as he takes a seat in front of me. His fingerpads touch each other, slightly bouncing off and on from each hand while his elbows rest on the table.

"Maybe he ditched you?"

I stare at him confused, why would he possibly do that? Maybe other things came up, and he got busy quickly.

"Did he text you?"

The tall man shook his head.

"He just sent you details, which I texted you."

"Why don't we switch phones now? Since we're already here."

He nervously gulps, as his hands slowly fall to lay on the table.


He pulls out my phone, and parks it right in front of me. I do the same thing as I follow his lead.

"Thank you, oh how I miss my baby!"

I began to start unlocking my phone, as everything seems normal and very clean. He texted no one, and it almost seem like there was no trace of him to begin with.

"You rely on that phone, that much?"

I held the device close to my chest, as I nodded swiftly. A huge smile appeared on my face, but I could care less.

He puts his phone in his pocket as he grins.

"Have you ever had a day without that device?"

He points to my phone as I shake my head, because even on vacation I sometimes get important phone calls.

"Seriously? You're that busy?"

I get taken aback of how easy he thought I truly am.

"Of course, the show doesn't go on without me."

He looks at me with a muddled expression.

"When was the last time you had a proper vacation with no business calls or anything business related?"

I thought back to my last trip which was in China. Even that was a business trip, a proper trip without any business related thing, is non existent almost.

"Maybe, ten years ago?"

He lays back with a bewildered look stuck on his face. He stayed like that for a good minute, then sticks his index finger out with his mouth formed like a circle as if he has an idea.

"When's the next day, or two, that you're completely off?"

I thought to myself, remembering that I am off the next three days. But I wonder, where is he trying to go with this?

"I'm off tomorrow and the next two days. Why are you asking?"

He smiles brightly, like brighter than before. Glowing and enlightening the whole room.

"Then let's have a proper vacation. You and me, I'll show you."

"You'll show me what?"

He taps the table with his knuckles, as his smile stays put. He leans in a bit closer saying,

"What you're missing out on of course."

I laugh, "And where are we going to go?"

"How about Tokyo? I haven't been there before."

I cross my arms, "Are you paying for everything?"

He leans back, crossing his arms too.

"Promise me you won't pick up a call, send an email, or do anything business related on the trip?"

He says as he perks his chin up at the end.

I nodded.

"I promise."

He smiles again,

"Then I'll pay for everything."

I couldn't help but snicker, what a fine gentleman for such a bad boy.

"I still can't believe you're taking this so seriously."

He looks at me with wide eyes,

"This is serious!"

I laugh again at how cute he was. He joins as we slowly giggle together.

"Okay, pinky promise?"

He nudges on farther, as he leans in with his long pinky held out.

"I already promised!"

He sighs, "We have to make it official."

"Fine." I hum back, as I wrap my smaller pinky around his.

He smiles again, and so do I.

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