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"Nice try asshole."

He laughs, "Princess already curses huh."

"I've been doing it, and I'm not a princess."

We've been walking around the park for a while now. When he asked me at first, I left him without a response. But he did it again, and I just had to say something.

I slowly walk up behind him, and because I'm shorter, it's harder to keep up with him. His long legs take long strides, where I need to chase him a bit.

"Tae, stop walking so quickly."

He paused to turn around, as I look down to keep up, I bump into him.

"You're cute."

"Thanks asshole. Now c'mon, I wanna 'have some fun', like what you always said."

I tried walking past him as my footsteps got lighter, but he managed to grab my wrist before I go on too far.

"Wait, can you wait here really quickly?"


He looks back as his head turns and then looks at me.

"Just wait."

I nodded, as he went to the direction that he was looking at earlier. It was a bit chilly today, and I am wearing an off the shoulder blouse. I regret it, and I forgot to bring a sweatshirt.

I walk around and look at the river in front of me. It was beautiful, this would be the type of scene in a drama where they would kiss.

He came back with a Minnie mouse sweatshirt, and I looked at him.

"Are you saving that for a gift for someone?"

He shook his head, "I wasn't going to let you freeze to death, wear it."

He gave it to me, but I didn't take it.

"I'm okay, Tae. It's fine, save it as a-"

He grumbles as he walks closer. He whispers in my ear his true meaning, "Guys are staring at you, I don't like it. Please wear it."

I look around and he was right, at least ten guys were staring at me, and I felt uncomfortable. I grabbed the hoodie and put it on.

After wearing it, I realized it said, "He's mine" on the hoodie. I playfully hit him,

"Hey, why this one?" I point to the sweatshirt as he smiles bitterly.

"The only one they had left. Sorry."

I rolled my eyes, as we continued our trip.

"Thanks Tae."

He nodded, without saying much.


"You were screaming, you know that right?"

I laugh like I don't know what laughing is.

"I was not! Maybe just a little?"

He smiles, "You were screaming so loud you thought the kid behind you was a ghost and you called him 'a son of a bitch' out loud!"

I giggled even more, I haven't had this much of laughter escaping in a long time.

"Don't blame me! We were in a haunted house what was I suppose to expect?"

Our laughter dialed down to soft smiles. We stop near the castle, as we await for the firework show.

We went on ride after ride, and completely got lost here for a good five hours. Our endless bickering and conversations did come to a stop here.

I look at him, as his hands are in his pockets. I took them out as I intertwined my fingers with his, closing them. I don't know why I did this, but it just feels right.

After I look up to make eye contact, I realize what I was doing and quickly let go. I wasn't thinking, I was just taking action.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

His lips turn into a straight line again, but he still manages to look joyful.

"It's alright."

He said, as his arm stayed on his side not hibernating back inside his pocket. It was a bit close to mine until I felt a grasp. I looked down to see my hand holding his this time, and looking back up with a smirk that traveled along his face.

He now is moving closer to the fireworks, a bit too close to where I would like to be. I actually am a bit scared of fireworks, because I've been in almost a serious injury before.

It was when I was little, and we sat upfront to see the fireworks. I loved everything about it, the way they go up and shoot with beautiful colors. They don't have a meaning, they don't need one.

But suddenly one of the fireworks came down, and its pieces fell down, and it landed on my head. I had to be rushed to the hospital, and since then I'm not a big fan.

My hand is still in contact with his and he is walking to the front of the crowd.

"Taehyung, where are we going?"

He turns his head, "To watch the fireworks closer. They're a lot more prettier like that."

"Taehyung I can't, I am kinda-"

He turns around and stops.

"It's okay, I'm here."

He smiles his boxy smile again, and stays put on holding my hand. His hand is glued to mine, but it feels so right.

Just then the first firework has gone up, and I started to close my eyes.

I felt something off, I don't know exactly what it is. But I felt like something was over me. I look up to see a hand, as that arm extended from Taehyung.

"Open your eyes, I got you."

I did as told and looked up at the fireworks, not wanting to look away. I miss the feeling when I watched these shows.

I watched in awe and amusement. I was surprised at all the beautiful designs and colours being shot up at once. I sometimes find the logic behind these things, or origins. But I was too phased by the show.

It was an old experience, but it felt so new.

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