The Beginning

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-A little *sexy sexy* is coming lol.-

It was me sitting on a red velvet couch that had no walls with bright pillows as I listened to Taehyung's beautiful voice singing to Singularity by a famous kpop group BigBang. Except I thought Taehyung did way better.

His sleeves were rolled up, and so were mine. He was sweating from earlier with all the hyped and energetic songs as I was trying to cool down.

The room was dark, and we were inside the karaoke room. We've had plenty of Soju to be considered drunk, now we are just singing like dying cows out here. Or at least me.

He slowly starts to turn towards me as I smile, the soft yet seductive song grabs my attention.

Once the song was over, he grabbed a total of ninety nine points. If I'm going to be honest, it's hard to not get above a ninety in a Korean karaoke room. Just ask anyone. Except me.

He sits next to me as I go on my phone to check my social media. He was sitting there for a while looking at me before talking.

"Hey, stop focusing on your phone and look at me."

I did as told, and placed my phone down. Our eyes met for a little while before he spoke again.

"You're so beautiful. It just makes me want to kiss you," he goes as he starts placing small, tiny kisses all over my face.

His body was right next to mine now, and this Soju is really taking over. Sexual thoughts can't be hidden anymore.

"You're so lame. Give me a kiss on my lips instead."

He clicks his tongue, "Huh, lame?" He says before quickly turning my head to give me an unexpected kiss. My lips crash onto his, as biting occurred on both ends. Sure as hell was it hot though.

I smiled after that, going back. Only this time introducing my tongue into his. She made an appearance in there once in a while, visiting and saying hi.

I stopped again, backing up to catch my breath.

"You're pretty good." He says in his deep voice.

"I know, I've got experience."

His arms went down to my waist to pull me over. But I wasn't going to tease him so boringly.

I decided to get up as he man spread a little, making room for me to stand up in between his legs.

I felt his legs come back together a bit and decided to sit down right on top of his lap.

I turned to face him, my legs hanging as his hands were crawling their way up my thigh.

"I'm so bored."

Except this time something below meet his, and I placed my arms around his neck. His hands without a doubt rested on my ass.

I slowly leaned forward as our lips are now in contact, doing their own thing. His hand squeezes my ass, making me moan out quiet sounds.

I hummed, letting him know I want more. He slowly tried getting up as my legs wrapped around his waist.

Our lips won't move as he slowly places me laying down on the couch. My hands were crawling at the back of his head, playing with his hair.

"Let me hear my name," he roughly said, I could feel that I was giving him what he wants, and I'm glad.

"Taehyung." I said softly moaning again.

He stopped kissing me.


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