First Love

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"My name is Ji Woo, and I'm 27 years old."

"My name is Lee Jihyo, I'm 25 years old."

I say back, cold and stern. He looks at me like he's scared, not of anything but of me. I don't want to do anything my father says.

"Oh wow, you're younger." He says in a surprised voice.


He nodded back. "You aren't happy with the arranged marriage either are you?"

"Glad I'm not the only one. No offense, but why you?"

He snorts in return, "None taken. And my dad's company used to be rivals with this company back when it made technology instead of being a trade center. He wants to look good again so he's using me."

I lean back in my chair, remembering this incident.

"This whole idea is stupid."

He snickers while nodding, "I completely agree."

"So, are you dating anyone?"

He sighs, "Secretly. I actually think she's my first love and I don't want to lose her to some stupid arrange marriage."

I smile, "Have you said 'I love you' to her?"

He nodded back in response. "Every fucking moment I get." He whispers.

"Make sure she eats well, and tell her you'll always be there. Listen to her too."

His voice grows quiet, "Please, I need to get rid of this marriage for her."

"Don't worry," I smile. "I'll make sure it doesn't happen."

"Thank you Jihyo." He smiles as he gets up to walk back into his bussiness.

"Of course, but I'm going to need your help soon."

"Call me anytime."

"Thank you."

He nods on that mark and leaves. Just then I feel another person walk in, and I'm slowly starting to get irritated that I don't even look up.

"Sit down." The person does so, and sits right in front of me.

"What's the question?"

I could feel the persons' elbows on my desk, and it catches my eyes. But they only stay there.

"I was wondering if you wanted to eat with me?"

That voice is familiar, in fact I know who's. I look up to eyes to find the person I expected, the one and only Kim Taehyung.

Just then a moment flashed through my eyes, and I suddenly remember kissing him.

Wait, I kissed him.

fuck, fuck, fuCK.

I quickly cover my mouth with both hands, dropping my pen to the stack of papers. My head rushes things with options to do next, and I can't find the best match.

He giggles, "Looks like you remembered."

I shake my head, wanting to deny it and go hide in a hole.

"Yea you did princess. It wasn't that good of a kiss, but I guess I'll have another shot."

I drop my hands, "A kiss doesn't mean anything anyways, what are we? Ten?"

He chuckled as he fires back without missing a beat.

"No, but you said we shouldn't be going around kissing people right? I kissed you for a reason. Look for it."

Dammit, why does two people touching each other's lips so important? I wish it wasn't and I also wish I never said kissing means something.

"Why are you here again?" I clear my throat as he smiles.

"I wanna eat with you, make sure you're doing better. And that hand of yours."

I try finding an excuse, "I can't go out, and my break time isn't until 12."

"I didn't say you need to go out." He places a bag of takeout food in front of me, as I look in surprised.

"And you're lying. Your break time is not at 12, is it?"

I found it surprising, he is getting through me. I can't let that happen,

"And if I'm lying? Who does it hurt?"

He rubs a finger underneath his chin, supposedly "thinking".

"Me, it'll hurt this relationship we have. I don't want lying."

I blink, he's only been here for two minutes and already I am surprised at everything he's done so far.

I try laughing it off, "Ha. And what relationship do we have?"

He stops for a second, "Friends with benefits? Lovers? Close to lovers? Something like that."

He starts grabbing food out of the paper bag and placing it on the table. I brush all my papers aside as he tries and makes room.

"Aren't you an annoying little rat."

He just flashes rows of teeth and carries on. After all the food is on the table, he sits down as I look at exactly how much he bought.

"Tae, you didn't have to buy so much food."

"Oh, but I did. Looks like you'll have to eat it all."

He grabs chopsticks as I grab mine, opening the styrofoam box to reveal different types of meat cooked and vegetables. I also see rice and noodles, truly a Chinese take out.

I grab a bite, "Thank you Taehyung."

He watched as I chewed, I soon started to feel awkward so I pushed the food towards him and ask,

"Aren't you going to eat too?"

He quickly takes a bite and say, "I am eating."

I smile and soon are bursting in laughter after swallowing our food down.

"How's that event going for you?"

"It's going good enough, it's this Saturday and there are still necessary information missing that needs to be filled in by Wednesday."

He grabbed another bite and swallowed before talking.

"Thats good. Whats the event on again?"

"It's to make our company look good in the public, by showing how we support many different types of people as well. The people think our company doesn't work well with others and we want to change that. So we invited many people under the arts industry. We want to show how diverse we are."

He nods as we both slowly eats in between the dialogue.

"Where is it at?"

I lean back a bit, pointing my chin at him.

"Exactly. The event is at 4pm and apparently every place I've called is booked at that time from a wedding or something."

He plays around with the broccoli on his side of the box,

"I found this nice place on my way here. The doors are like covered with flowers and the inside is pretty dope. I grabbed their card for you, try calling them."

He gave me the card and I took a look at it.

"Seems nice, thank you."

He waves his hand signaling that its not a problem.

"So, what's your thoughts on love?"

I choked on my food a bit and he panicked a little.

"Sorry, you change topics a little too quick."

"Oh, you don't have to-"

I wipe my mouth with a napkin and interrupt him.

"It's fine. What are my thoughts on love?"

He nodded.

I clear my throat, I'm ready for some debating. "I don't believe in first love."

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