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-Jihyo's point of view-

"Jihyo? How are you doing?"

I finished up the last question on the form before looking up to see Secretary Kim.

"I'm okay now, thank you. But aren't you suppose to be on your honeymoon?"

I asked while smiling. He laughed back, "Jihyo, I am too old for that now."

"You are never too old. Plan a date and let me know when, enjoy your time with the person that loves you. Before she yells at you for not always being there."

He nodded, "I will, but how are you doing in your love life?"

I inhale before putting away the form. I know I can tell him, he's the dad figure I've always wanted. "People come and go, that's what makes you smarter."

But sometimes those that left and come back still make you a fool.

"Okay, I'll be leaving. Good night."

He closed the door as I try finishing my work before seeing it was almost 11 at night.

Ever since the incident that took place a month ago, I haven't talked to Taehyung.

I chuckle, " 'I love you', my ass."

Work is great, I'm still grateful for Secretary Kim, or else I would be in the States by now.

But it drops me down. The ones that wanted to take over my dad's job are able to use this excuse against my own will.

"Like they never fucked up before." I whisper to myself.

Right now, I'm trying to recover. I'm trying to move on. Which is what I am doing except,

he is still on my mind. He won't leave.


-Taehyung's point of view-

I sigh, as I lose another game to Yoongi.

"What's up with your game?"

"I don't know."

He chuckles, "You've been like this for a whole month, ever since we accomplished our biggest mission. You should be proud of yourself."

I shake my head pouting, "Nothing."

Liar, you miss her body. Her lips. You miss her.

"Okay, talk to me. We've known each other since we practically were babies. Talk to me."

"Stop being all gay and shit. I'm straight."

He laughs, "Smartass, I know. I'm not gay either. C'mon big boy. Talk to me like back in the days when we were only sixteen."

I nodded, I sat up as my eyes meet his smaller eyes. He's the only one that knows me the most, and I know I can trust him no matter what. After all, he's my "partner in crime."

"Well, it's Jihyo." I blurted out with no filter. His eyes turn into circles rather than it's natural almond shape.

"Don't tell me you fell for her,"

I play around with my fingers. "And if so I did?"

He chuckles in an astonished face.

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