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"Tell me, do you really love me?"

I could tell my words really hit him in every aspect, and body part. He stays frozen before speaking.

"I do. I really do."

I lean back in frustration. I give up.

"Taehyung, this isn't a fucking show. Your mission is over stop pretending and tell me the truth."

"I just did. I love you Lee Jihyo. Do you know how much? To the point where I wanted to be there every second with you. I wanted to learn every single thing about you, I missed your body when you weren't with me. You make me instantly smile, and you change me into a completely different person, but I've never met this side of me. What I do know is that you brought out the best of me."

I stayed silent as he continued.

"I didn't know who to choose. The mission or you. The guys or you. My future or you. But I was a fucking coward and knew I wasn't good enough for you anyways. So I was a dick and chose what I thought would be better. Do you know how much that hurt? How the past month all I could think about was you? Did you really think I would kiss you with no meaning?"

He laid back into his chair, heavily breathing.

"I've fucked around in my life with girls before. But you, you give me a different feeling. And I don't believe in those cheesy shit like following your heart, but I'm ready to do that with you. I love you Lee Jihyo. You can leave me for another man, but I will always love you."

It was my turn to be frozen, to choke up that I couldn't say words. The cafe was empty, no customers and the workers left. It was just us in one room.

And I couldn't help but cry. I've never heard those sincere words. My family never said it, my friends all left me, and I can't even love myself.

My eyes tear up, and he sees the effect he created in me.

"I'm sorry Taehyung. I didn't know you went through hell for me."

He grabbed the chair and placed it right in front of me. He took my chair and positioned it to face him. We were now face to face, and a table wasn't in the way.

Tears were now falling down my face, the past month has been a mental wreck for me. A wreck that I made.

"Look, don't cry. We've been through bullshit the past month. You don't deserve to cry."

He wipes a tear off of my eye, I can't even comprehend to face him correctly.

"Look at me."

I do as told, our eyes meeting as his hand stays on my cheek. He smiles.

I stop sniffing and managed to smile too.

"That's what I want to see." He whispers, as his eyes travel from my lip back on to my eyes.

"You know," his eyebrows raised as I spoke. I sniffled in between.

"If you're gonna make a move, do it quickly. Don't keep me waiting."

He chuckled, leaning in to press against my lips. They danced around again, they knew each other too well.

After a long time of holding my breath, I backed up. Silence came by before leaving again.

"Who knew a bad boy like you could be so strangely poetic."

I say as we both bursted into laughter.

"I'm surprised too."

He gives me soft pecks before I go back to speaking.

"Wait, when you said you fucked around with a lot of girls, exactly how many?"

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