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I tried recovering from what I just said.

"You know, as friends. At least, if you think of me that way."

He tilted his head back, as his jaw slowly comes back up. Probably saving himself before he thinks of something else.

"Right, right."

Just then the waiter arrived with the bowl of Udon, and it looked beautiful. I couldn't tell if it was because I was hungry, or because it genuinely looked good. But for sure, great conversations were made in the process of this.


"Okay, slowly turn."

I did as he told me to, my eyes looked out into the sea as he slowly walks from one end to the other behind me with a camera in his hand.

"And, good!"

I went back to where he was to check if the pictures came out like my expectations.

I looked over his shoulders as he lowered down a little, to get on my level.

"You look great," he said.

"I know, now your turn."

He looks back, "You're quite cocky too, huh."

I laugh as I push him lightly to make him go forward.

"Give me a pose, please."

He scrunched his nose, as he flashed a big boxy smile. His hair was ruffled down covering his eyes, and his pink hoodie perfectly giving him a tumblr look.

I zoomed in, taking only a picture of his upper half. I pressed the button and took it for a good four times.
Once I was done, I looked at the picture. He walked over as his head was resting and pulling weight on my left shoulder.

"Woah, you're pretty good for a newbie."

I smile, looking at his pictures. He looks like a totally different person. If you were to search up "bad boy but cute" on Google, he would pop up with this picture.

"Stop staring at it so long, you're making me feel weird."

I look up as I let the camera hang around my neck. I smile as I catch up with him.

"Geez, can't a girl just take in one man's beauty?"

His lips stay but his teeth show, indicating that he was somewhat smiling. I look at him to take a peek of his expression. I could tell he somewhat liked it, but wanted to deny it.

"I'm glad you think I'm handsome."

He said in a sarcastic tone. I glared at his pitch, but I can't get enough of it.

"Yea, yea. You're welcome. Now, where to next?"

I place my two hands under the camera hanging around my neck as I smile with big eyes to face him. He had his hands inside his pockets, licking his lips.

"Let's go to an art gallery. You down?"

I sigh, "I was thinking a bit more fun."

He looked forward again, avoiding my eye contact.

"Like what?"

"I heard they had some Disney rides here, like a Disney themed park. Wanna go?"

His eyebrows furrowed as he shrugs.

"Sure, call a taxi."

"Wait, there's one over there."

A bright yellow cab was waiting, and the driver was just inside chilling. There wasn't anyone on the other side of the street, and little cars were passing by.

I grabbed his hand and my fingers lock between his.

"W-what are you doing?"

I look at him, "Going to run to cross the street."

He wasn't surprised, or all protective. He didn't try stopping me either. He just nodded and started running with me.

As the last car passed, we began running to the other side, which was quite far away. Once we got there, I let go.

We were both huffing and puffing a little bit, but not much to drain us down.

I walked over to the cab to see if he was avaliable, and sure enough he was. I knocked on the window as he looks up a bit surprised.

He rolled down the window in order for me to talk, the car's interior smell filled up my nose a bit, it was like the smell of a new car.

"Hey, can you take us down to the Disney park?"

He smiled, he was a middle age man. He has a ring on, meaning he's married. There were pictures of his kid in the car's stuff. He seemed like a nice man.

"Of course, please come in."

He situated himself as he placed his hands on the wheel. I nodded and walked back to Taehyung.

"He said it's fine." I smiled as he nodded.

He walked to the car, opening the door as he signals for me to get in. I do so, and he follows while closing the door. As we drove a bit farther, the man cleared his throat to start talking.

"So, are you two a couple?"

We both shake our heads, as he laughed a small beam of laughter came out.

"I was like that with my wife as first too. She kept denying, and I kept denying. Then suddenly she started to be shakey. Than she agreed."

I smiled, as I look over Taehyung. He replied back,

"Sir, I've tried multiple times but she honestly can't get a hint."

The driver laughs along with Taehyung, and I pitch in as well.

"I have to say, his hints aren't clear enough."

He smirks as the driver laughs again. This time Taehyung's arm wraps over my shoulder. He starts speaking not in Japanese this time, for the driver not to hear.

"You want a better hint?"

I look at him as I bite my lips. He's wearing a warning sign, yet I can't help it but to cover it up,

"Yea, I do."

He smirks again, "Then do you want to go out with me?"

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