Chapter 1

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Hazel's POV

I walked down the university field with my friends, books pressed against my chest while Starbucks in the other. My black hair swishing while the wind blew loudly. A loud laughter erupted from Allie, my best friend as Annabelle told them a joke. I was zoned out until now.

"Heyyy gurrllll," Eliza dragged on the two words as she bobbed her head side to side. She gave each one of us a bone-crushing hug. "Love your outfit, very casual," she commented. I looked down at my clothes, black, skin-fitting jeans with ripped patches all up my leg and a black sweater-like crop top.

I smiled in return as a sign of acknowledgement. Gasps are soon heard, our heads snap ahead of the field to see the bitch, Sarah, walking down with her minions right behind her. I have no clue why every girl is jealous of her, there is nothing special about her unless they want to become a dull star too. I roll my eyes as guys LITERALLY bow down to her like she is the queen of the world.

Once she comes in front of me, she eyes me up and down, only making me lift my head higher.

"Hey slut," she then slaps my books so they fall out of my hand, people laugh loudly and I shoot them daggers. She then laughs her fake ass laugh and then turns to walk away. She DID NOT just do that!

"Hey, it's okay, um ignore her," Allie tries to get me to calm down. I kneel down and pick up my books. I turn to them and give them a smile.

"Yeah, I'm fine, it's all good," they then sit down on the grass and my eyes wander to Sarah as she goes off to the toilets, I smirk. "Girls, I'll be back in a bit, I just need to use the toilet," I give them a assuring smile.

"Hey, I'll come with," Eliza says but I stop her.

"NO!" I say a little too quickly. "It's fine I can go on my own." I then stand up and pat off the dust from my butt. I strut down the field, passing a couple of teachers which I just smile innocently at; I chuck away my Starbucks drink in the bin. Once I reach the toilet, I look left and right to make sure no one saw me, I then enter. I see Sarah applying her popping red lipstick and I smirk because I think no one else is in here.

I walk over to her, my heels clicking against the tile floor. She looks up at me and a devilish smirk forms on her ugly face that still needs more plastic surgery than she already has.

"Oh Look who decided to show up, ugly, geeky, slut," she cackles. I clench my jaw as my balled fist collides with her jaw sending her straight to the ground,

"No one, and I mean no one disrespects me or they get it," I spit, she holds her jaw with her flat palm.

"You piece of shit, what did you do?" She squeaks with her really annoying high-pitched voice.

"Listen you little bitch, I'm sparing you today but if you tell anyone, you are a goner," I warned through my gritted teeth. I reach for the back of my jeans before pulling out my jet-black shiny weapon. "With this."

I smirked at her horrified expression before turning around.

"Or maybe not," I muttered before pulling the trigger without even looking and I knew it had hit her right in the middle of her forehead. My gun didn't make much sound since it had a silencer on it. I placed my gun back in my pocket before digging into my other pocket and bringing out a charm. I attached it to bracelet as I mumbled, "bullseye."

I looked at myself in the mirror before calming my hair down a little bit and making sure to act like nothing happened. Call me a psychopath but I do not take disrespect well. I take out my phone and quickly text on the group chat with Allie, Eliza and Annabelle on it, telling them that my little brother is sick so I gotta go home because I know that the police will be coming soon.

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