Chapter 30

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Hazel's POV

I sat down on the wooden bench in the deserted park, not many people were here thank god. Fucking hell! Why can't I just fucking keep my anger in before I do something I would regret! I pulled at my hair frustratedly, what would Damon think of me now that I've almost killed a person? In front of him as well?

Eliza? Allie? Annabelle? Harry? Jordan? Caleb? Jake?

God, I messed up pretty bad, how am I going to go back to Damon's house? When I do, I'm just going to have to make sure I don't run into any of them. My knuckles had stopped bleeding now, they just had massive purple bruises. I then pushed myself back off from the bench before I punched the bench again making the top wooden part crack off. Blood started pouring out again but I needed to feel that pain, it felt good. If you didn't know, I got anger from my mum- she had anger issues as well.

I then started walking around the park, lost in my own thoughts, not even realising the time. The air started getting colder by the minute and soon I was shivering like a duck spazzing out. You don't even make sense Hazel! Shut up! I exited through the gate and went towards my motorbike, I looked down at my phone while swinging my leg over.

3 missed calls from Jordan.
5 missed calls from Eliza
6 missed calls from Allie
5 missed calls from Annabelle
7 missed calls from Harry
10 missed calls from Alice
30 missed calls from Zayn

There was also a text from Jordan.

Hey Lez, please come back, where are you? Everyone has been worried sick. If you think we were gonna judge you from the stunt that you pulled then what kind of friends are we? Please come back x

A tear dropped from my eye as I put my phone back into my pocket and starting my motorbike. I revved it a couple of times before speeding off to Damon's house.


I finally arrived at Damon's house and I quickly sneaked inside past the guards. They knew I was there though although I could easily go past them without them actually noticing. I walked inside and shit, I didn't know where the fuck I was going, this place is so big and I'm not sure if I would even get to my room tonight.

It was round about 7:30 pm and I think I'm just going to skip dinner. I just can't face the whole group today, only Alice I guess. I saw Lana, the bride, turning the corner so I called out to her. She turned around at the sound of her name and instantly a smile formed onto her beautiful face.

He hands were placed in her back pockets of her jeans since it was freezing cold today.

"Um hey, I'm kinda lost so could you point me in the right direction of my room?" I asked as nicely as I could.

"Oh, we are going to dinner soon anyway so why don't you come and sit at the dining table with the rest?" She questioned back to my question.

"Oh, I think I'll just skip today, I'm not hungry really," I tried to convince her and she nodded.

"Okay, I'm going that way anyway so I'll walk with you," she smiled as she gestured for me to come with her. So then, we started walking together. "So Damon And you huh?" She tried to start a conversation.

"Noooo," I dragged on the words. "We're just friends."

"Well, he likes you, I think he might ask you soon to be his girlfriend," she chuckled, looking at the ground and then back up at me, her brunette hair flicking behind her shoulders. My heart started beating faster. Was that the 'important' thing he wanted to say to me? Oh shit, I just need to make sure he never gets to say the 'important' thing. I can't let it be awkward between us.

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