Chapter 28

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Damon's POV

"Damon you had a fucking clear shot for Jinn but why the fuck didn't you shoot!" Harry exclaimed. Why didn't I shoot? I don't know! Something told me not to so I didn't.

"I don't know, I wanna find her again and get information out of her," I shrugged, yeah that was true.

"Then you could've ran after her, she was bloody injured!" Harry yelled.

"Yeah well I didn't do it so? Can we move on?" I questioned, annoyed.

"Bro, when Louis finds out, he's gonna be pissed!"

"Yeah? And whose gonna tell him? I've already told everyone that if anyone tells him, I'll slit their throat!" I threatened.

"Okay then, if you say so. What you doing today then?" He asked.

"Ehh, lounge around, look into the Rival gang a bit and then chill," I replied, shrugging my shoulders. I didn't exactly have a plan.

"Oh, well have fun, I'm taking Alice out for er... sight seeing," he explained.

"Well then, have fun," I replied. He got up and then left to probably get ready. I forced myself up from my extremely comfortable bed and began to find out more about the Rival gang. Although I'm shit at hacking stuff, I still give it my best shot...

Hazel's POV

"FUCKKKKKK!" I screamed from the top of my lungs and closed my eyes tightly, flinching because of the unbearable pain.

"Stoppp moving!" Alice ordered as I started backing away from the counter top and the big mirror in my bathroom.

"Urghhhhh, Alice, goddddd, I haven't been shot since two or three years ago! I forgot the amount of pain!" I groaned loudly. Yep, me and Alice have been stuck here all night and all morning trying to get the bullet out of my shoulder. I had gotten so good that It didn't even escalate up to the person being able to shoot me, normally I was much quicker but luck just wasn't on my side today. "It's literally no use! We have to call a personal house doctor and then kill her or him afterwards!"

"Just shut up and stop moving so I can take it out!" She insisted. I went back in front of the counter, tensing up my muscles and clenching my jaw tightly. I stared at myself in the mirror while Alice picked up the bloody tweezers from the counter and started working.

"I swear it's probably infected by now, thank god I'm gonna die soon!" I winced again as I felt the cold metal press against
my wound.

"Don't say that! It might actually happen!" She snapped.

"You know damn well that's what I want to happen!" I flinched, holding back a groan as I felt the tweezer digging into my flesh.

"Ah! Found it!" With the tweezers, she gripped onto the bullet as I squeezed anything in my reach to bite back the pain. She began to fiddle it out which was not helping right now. "FINALLY!" she breathed out and she dropped the tweezers and the bullet into the white sink that was now splattered with dots of pure red blood. "Now, I'm just going to put the gauze pad on." She explains as she picks up the roll.

She starts to wrap it around but she forgot something. I couldn't give a fuck right now because I still feel a lot of pain. Once she's finished, she backs away and admires her work.

"You forgot the disinfectant spray!" I tell her.

"Well I'm not an expert so I'm sorry! Be grateful that I at least got that out for you!" She crosses her arms over her chest and shows attitude. I mean, I should be grateful but what if it ends up being infected because of our one tiny mistake? I mean I do wanna die and this isn't even a joke. Do you know how hard it is to live with myself knowing that I've basically killed over five hundred people over four years? Well whatever, let's not go off too much about that.

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