Chapter 43

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Hazel's POV

"Yeah, I'm just going to the toilet, you go on ahead, I'll catch up with you later," I assured Alice as I pushed open the door to the girls bathroom. I breathed out a sigh of relief as I felt tension coming off of my shoulders. Being around people is so stressing especially when you don't want anyone to know what's going on in your personal time. I let the tears freely slip out of my eyes as I leaned my back against the wall as I used the sleeve of my hoodie to wipe away the tears.

I inhaled sharply and then splashed my face with some water, making the mascara run down my face. Great, not a good idea. I got some make up wipes out of my bag and took off my make up. I reapplied some concealer and mascara but I couldn't cover up the red veins popping out in my eyes.

"You have to go to the hospital, Hazel," I whispered to myself as I swung my bag over my shoulder and exited the bathroom. But before I could even leave the building, I was pulled back harshly, my back collided with the wall. The thing is, I didn't even try to fight the person off. I didn't get into my defence position, I just let whatever will happen to me, happen.

Pain shot throughout my back as I faced my attacker. Why am I not surprised.

"What do you want?" I spat as I watched him trap me by putting his hands flat against the wall on either side of me.

"Why are you crying?" He questioned, his forehead almost touching mine. I almost got drunk looking at him, his intoxicating smell hitting my nose. I had to regain my composure.

"Not like you care," I gritted out, trying to push him away from me before I did something I would regret later on.

"Well frankly Hazel, I do fucking care. Still. No matter how hard I try, I still do fucking care. Even if it's just to Fucking laugh in your face-" I cut him off.

"You wanna know? Well then listen. My brother is in Fucking coma because of me. Now laugh. Laugh all you want in my face. Tell me how I'm a waste of space and no one needs me in this world! Tell me!" I yelled. Nothing happened. All there was, was silence around me. "Yeah, that's what I thought." I pushed him away from me as I walked out of the school.


"Wake up," I choked up. "Please, I promised to be a better sister, please," I stayed silent before an idea popped in my head. "So Derek, you always complained about how I never shared my feelings with you, how I never let you share your feelings with me. Alright, I'll open up. I'm drowning inside, Derek, I'm suffocating inside. I've lost my boyfriend, he's turned into my enemy, Derek. We've lost our parents, I miss how dad use to come and hug and kiss us before and after going to work." By now I was a crying mess. "How mum use to-" I stopped talking. Mum. Mum. Mum. Mum.


Could it possibly be?

I mean your boyfriend turned out to be your enemy. Anything can happen in your life.

I sighed, I'll check it out later. I highly doubt it that it's mum. But what about the times she had gone missing because of work?

Business trips Hazel.

But then she had like so many months off. Now that doesn't have an explanation.

"So, please, come back, I need you right now, I'm alone," I spoke. Now, I just felt like I was speaking to myself when he didn't even move at all. The sound of the heart metre beeping continuously made me even more anxious. I wiped my sweaty hands on my clothes and looked at the time. Oh shit, I only have thirty minutes to get ready for the club. It felt weird going to the club while my brother is lying on the hospital bed.

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