Chapter 23

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Hazel's POV

"Yep, he's angry," I confirmed as I examined the hole in the wall. My fingers traced over the fist marks, why the fuck did he do that?

"I think it's more like jealousy," a guy named Chris, I think, nodded his head. Jealousy?

"Why jealousy? Didn't you do anything to piss him off?" I questioned like an interviewer.

"You were boxing with your friend-" I cut him off.

"Sooo, he wants a punch too?" I asked, holding in a small chuckle, trying to be serious.

"Your his girl right?" He questioned me this time. His girl? I like the sound of that- SNAP THE FUCK OUT OF IT!

"No," I shrugged. "You know what? The only way to find out is to ask him so I'll go in-" this time, he cut me off.

"You probably don't wanna do that because angry Damon is not a very gentle Damon," he warned.

"Oh, Nothing I can't handle," I brushed it off as I turned around towards his office. I took a deep breath before approaching the door.

"Yep, I'm hiding, I suggest the same to you leprechaun," Chris hurried away.

"It's Niall, not leprechaun!" He groaned, extremely annoyed. He folded his arms like a little child not getting the toy he wanted. He quickly followed Chris, why the hell is Chris warning me. To be honest, I feel like I have the worst temper, Damon couldn't possibly have it worse.

I knocked on the door, waiting patiently for it to swing open. When finally it does, it reveals a very fuming Damon.

"WHAT!" he spat. My eyebrows shot up, he was really angry.

"Move," I pushed his shoulder with my palm and let myself entered. I walked around his desk and to his comfy, black, boss' chair. I sat on it, Damon was simply watching my every single move. "So, spill, why are you angry?"

"None of your business," he replied, sourly.

"Ooooo, come on, just take your anger out, I don't mind, take it out on me but then I'll get really hyped as well so I might shout as well, just a warning," I smiled, trying to lighten the mood.

"Just-Just get out," he slammed the door shut, Okay, he just told me to get out and he literally just slammed the door shut. "The door is there," he pointed towards it as he looked around the room.

"Yeah, keep it coming," I gestured using my hands.

"FOR GOD SAKE! STOP ANNOYING ME FURTHER!" He yelled. Okay, now, when someone shouts at me, I get really angry.

"JUST FUCKING TELL ME WHATS THE DAMN PROBLEM!" I screamed from the top of my lungs. He started taking long strides towards me, he stopped right in front of me, invading my personal space.

"You," he answered, whispering, "So now, I suggest you leave before something happens that I will regret," he spat.

"So, is this suppose to intimidate me?" I glowered at him, not a single bit threatened.

"Yes," he growled sexily.

"Nice try, but it doesn't," I replied, my teeth gritted together. I felt his hands on my shoulders and then he pushed me back causing me to fall onto his chair. He placed his hands on the arms of the chair, nearing towards my face.

"Does this intimidate you," he growled again. I started feeling moisture forming between my legs at each word he spoke.

"Try harder," I whispered. The next thing he did was very unexpected as he crashed his lips onto mine. A burning sensation, mixed with electric currents shot through my body, bringing it to life. Butterflies flapped crazily inside my stomach. I instantly started kissing him back with equal amounts of passion. Our lips started moving in sync as he deepened the kiss by letting his tongue into my mouth.

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