Chapter 37

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Hazel's POV

Finally, many hours had gone by and Damon had texted me telling me he's just left his house with Harry, We had about twenty to thirty minutes before we had to leave and go to my house so we could meet them there. I had gone for a simple black dress with my leather jacket draped over my shoulders. Red lips with a glam look on my eyelids. I was happy with it.

But then my mood was ruined when Alice took out six inch heels for me to wear. Seriously, I love heels but today I just wasn't in the mood to wear any heels. I tried so hard to convince her to give me different shoes but she being she, didn't even let me fucking speak a word. I walked out of my bathroom, heels clicking against the tiled floor.

"Damn! You look hot!" Rodger stood up as I entered. Alice ran over towards the speakers and attached her phone to it. She then turned the music on, really loudly while we waited for for time to go by. I was feeling myself for the first time in a while, I felt free. I swayed my body, a big smile on my face. I felt Rodger grab my hips and I danced, swaying my body around. The music was ear-deafening but I was enjoying myself so much. It's been such a long time since I've been to the club.

I loved loud music, it just put me in a really happy mood. I started grinding on him without realising. He turned me around but before he could say something, I crashed my lips onto his. I felt a push so my lips detached from his. "TURN THE MUSIC DOWN!" Alice turned the music off as I stared at Rodger, my hands over my mouth.

"Umm babe, when he started dancing with you, that was the moment you were suppose to tell him-" I cut Alice off.

"I have a boyfriend." I sighed, remembering. I had gotten just too in the moment, "I just cheated on Damon, holy fuck!" Immediately, I began to feel guilty.

"Nothin happened, no one speak of it!" Rodger declared. "Just remember you have a boyfriend, Hazel!"

"Sorry, I just felt free, I know I shouldn't have done that! Oh my god!" I did that on purpose. I know I did.

"You're trying to get over him already aren't you?" Alice asked, she seemed to know the reason behind all my actions since we did grow up together.

"Can you blame me?" I scoffed. I looked down at the time and it was time to leave to get to my house on time before they arrived. "Let's go." Alice sighed but nonetheless nodded as she grabbed her purse. I picked mine up as well and we were out the door. Alice drove here in her car so we went back in her car.


We got inside my house just in time when Alice's phone rang.

"Hey babe, we are outside!" Harry yelled loud enough for me to hear as well even though it wasn't on speaker.

"Okay babe," Alice smiled before she hung up. She was about to open the door when I pulled her back from doing so. "What?"

"Wait a couple of seconds," I told to her. "don't forget to tell him."

"Okay," she breathed, looking down at the floor, I think she forgot about the part when we were going to tell them. "Do we tell them together about the gang?"

"No, separately because I think Damon had texted me that we would be in the same restaurant but a couple of tables away because they couldn't find a table where four could sit. just tell him when you're ready."

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