Chapter 4

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Hazel's POV

I walked down the school hallway, meeting up with Allie near my locker.

"What happened in Mr Brian's office? She asked, walking beside me as I slammed my locker shut.

"It just because I forgot my bag, he was kinda suspicious but then he let me go because he saw that I'm innocent and I am a straight A student."

"Oh good, thank god they didn't accuse you for such a heinous crime, it's quite clear that you will never do that," she laughed. That's where your wrong Al, you don't know me at all. I smiled at her. We then continued walking to our next lesson which was chemistry. Alice told me she will meet me there, she had to go to the toilet.

"Right, guys I'm going to introduce you to my cousin," I lie. "This is Alice Monroe, she joined like two days ago and I just didn't have time to introduce you guys," I say as soon as we arrive in class.

"Hi! I'm Allie," Allie has always been the bubbly one.

"Ur Hey, I'm Annabelle," she's kinda awkward when it comes to meeting new people.

"Hey, I'm Eliza, I love your skirt!" And she's always the one into fashion. She gave them a shy wave. We sat right at the back of the class, secretly on our phones since we didn't really give a shit about the lesson. I'm just naturally smart so it's easy to pass tests, only sometimes I cheat. I mean who hasn't at least once cheated, it could be on boyfriend/girlfriend, tests, games.

Mr Renoialds, weird name, I know, blabbered on about about shit like elements and atoms. All that jazz. I reached into my pocket to get out a charm for the kill that I had done earlier today to see that I had only one left.

I bought them in a pack of five hundred. Wowwww I had done my five hundredth kill today, I need to throw a party mate. I'm honestly so surprised.


Finally, I had survived through the day and I was at the hideout, resting my eyes, on the couch. I heard some shuffling in the living room but I didn't bother opening my eyes. Suddenly I sensed someone on top of me, I fluttered my eyes open to be met with totally black eyes.

The person attached our lips together, I happily kissed back, my eyes closed. Rodger's tongue traced my bottom lip, asking for entrance which I denied. I felt him pout against my lips. I placed my hands flat against his chest and lightly pushed him upwards. His eyes met mine again.

"Not in the mood right now, but maybe tonight, clubbing," I smirked.

"Any special occasion?" He asked, an eye brow raised.

"Five hundredth kill todayy BABYYYY!" I screamed, throwing one arm in the air. I pushed him off of me, Rodger was more of a friend than a boss, he wouldn't mind if I pushed him off of me or gave him a sarcastic comment, he knew it was only banter.

If I was serious then that would be a problem. I had texted on the mains gang group chat telling them that I was holding a party at 'The Demon.' It was my favourite club of all time and yes the drinks were on me.

"By the way Rodger, I need a new car, mines shit, so you know my birthday like in a week so please," I requested. I saw him look down towards the ground, probably contemplating on if he should give it to me or not. "Look, Alice doesn't do shit and she has a better car than me, do I deserve a better car than her since I basically get no free time off."

"Fineeeee, what car?" He asked. My eyes widened, IM GONNA FUCKING GET A NEW CAR! FUCK YEAHHHH!

"Lamb-" he cut me off.

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