Chapter 35

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Hazel's POV

Me, Alice and Eliza all walked towards our lunch table. It was Thursday and we just had a test, this time I wasn't late because the test was at eight and I was in Uni at seven. My phone buzzed in my bag, making me open my handbag and search for my phone.

Once I finally found it, I turned it on and went onto messages. It was an unknown number, I furrowed my eyebrows, who could it be? I opened the text.

Unknown: what do you want?

What? Who is this?

Me: I'm sorry, do I know you?

I instantly got a reply.

Unknown: BlackFire Bitch, hurry up with whatever you wanna say.

My face immediately grew hard.

"Who you texting?" Eliza asked.

"Oh, Just Zayn, asking where I was," I lied, she nodded her head. "I'm just going to the toilet real quick, if anyone asks, you know where I am." With that, I went off into the opposite direction. I left the building and went behind the back building, where no one goes so I was sure no one would see me.

Me: Respect your future leader babe, anyways, I wanna fast forward this, it's taking way too long. War. Decide a date.

I took a screenshot of the number and the contact. I sent it to Eliza.

Me to Emily: track down the number x

Unknown: fine then, good choice but you as future leader, please. You prove that even god makes mistakes sometimes.

My mouth fell open. He really wanna be playing with me right now? I quickly started thinking of a good comeback, I didn't open the text so he didn't know if I had read it yet or not.

Me: calling you stupid would be an insult to stupid people, asshole. Now don't disturb me man whore.

I put my phone away but then my phone buzzed again. I took it out to see a text from Emily.

Emily: the number is blocked off from the other side but I can try to unblock it x

Smart, I had done the same thing so he couldn't easily track back to me. Maybe this BlackFire guy actually has a brain of some sort.

Me: okay babe x just keep trying.

And then my phone buzzed again, BlackFire had sent me eye rolling emojis. Couldn't think of a comeback could he? I put my phone away and went to the lunch hall. I opened the double doors, walking into a very hall diner. I sat down next to Zayn, quickly pecking his cheek.

"Hey babe," I smiled.

"Hey, feeling better?" He asked, I nodded, giving him a a big smile. "So me and Harry were thinking about going to a double date this Saturday?" He asked, scratching the back of his neck. Awww cute. I've never actually been on a date, well I have to seduce people but never actually a real proper one where I have feelings for the other person.

"Yeah," I smiled.

"Great," he smiled back, his tongue resting behind his teeth, god he's too cute. Fuck, I have nothing to wear, shit!


BlackFire: how about next month? Tenth Feb, five pm, in the dark, in the middle of Gilly Forest?

Me: fine by me, get ready to be shot babes, still not over how you got to shoot me.

BlackFire: awwww you offended that I got a good hit on you?

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