Chapter 15

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Hazel's POV

It was Wednesday, yesterday Eliza dropped me home and I went straight to the hideout researching more about the rival gang. I didn't get anything out from the 'research' I did but I will make sure to go more into the research after school. I had just gotten out of chemistry and was now walking over to the cafeteria for free period.

I was meeting the group there. I sat down on one of the tables while everyone started piling in. Soon, my friends started coming.

"Hey," I greeted as Eliza and Allie sat down.

"Holaaa!" They chorused. Eventually, Annabelle and Alice came strolling in together as well.

"Heyooo!" Alice hooted. I gave her a nod.

"So, seems like your hiding something from us, now spill!" Eliza demanded.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, confused.

"Oh don't lie to us!" Alice pouted.

"I seriously have no clue as to what you are talking about," I chuckle lightly.

"Okay so we had it planned it all, that we would leave you and Damon and we'll follow you around which Harry almost messed up and gave away. We would see what happens and well we saw you two kissing on the London eye so now tell us the rest of the story," Allie explained.

"Oh speaking of Harry and Damon, where are they?" I questioned.

"Harry said they are not coming in today because they have something important to do," Alice informed. "Stop changing the subject, tell us!"

"It's meaningless," was my reply. "He just kept on talking about how we were gonna die and that was the only way to shut him up."

"Ohh there's gotta be more to the story than thattttt!" Annabelle whined.

"I'm telling the truth, I don't get feelings for people, it's meaningless and it just for pleasure, you can even ask him, he would probably say it's meaningless too," I shrugged.

"Okayyy Fine! Oh by the way this gift is from Damon and this ones from Harry, they forgot to give it to you yesterday," Alice handed me two boxes that were wrapped up in blue wrapping  paper and red wrapping paper. "Open it!"

I first opened the red one. It was a blue velvety box.

"Oh my god, jewellery!" Eliza exclaimed. I unclipped the front and opened it. A note fell out and I put the gift down and reached for the note. I picked it up.

"Dear Hazel," I read out. "I hope you like the necklace that I got you with the letters H. I'm sorry I couldn't give the gift to you myself but something important came up so I gave it to Alice to give it to you tomorrow. Have a good one!

                                       -D," I read out.

I looked at the necklace and it was beautiful.

"That's from pandora, so it must be really expensive," Allie gaped. I smiled down at it as I put it away and put it in my bag. I then opened up Harry's present to see it was in a red velvety box. I opened it up and saw a bracelet and a note on the side.

"To Hazel, I'm sorry that I forgot to give you a present on your actual birthday but here you go, it's a friendship bracelet, have a good one because I know what Damon had planned was epic!

        -H x," I finished reading.

I picked up the bracelet and again it was beautiful, it was a rose gold colour.

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