Chapter 22

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Hazel's POV

Damon had dropped me home last night at round about 11pm. I changed back from my clothes and had taken off my make up that I was wearing so now I had a bare face. As most of my weight was on my arms since I was leaning against bathroom counter in front of the mirror. Staring, I took a deep breath.

"You didn't make the right choice Hazel, you shouldn't have even walked into the hideout when Rodger told you about it in the club, you should've just left it and went to the foster parents the child care was putting you in," I spoke to myself. I looked down at my hands, then back up. "I know, you didn't wanna go and now look at what mess you are now, at least you shouldn't have dragged Alice into this."

God I'm stressing now. I squinted my eyes, it's been a while since I hit the gym. I turned away from the mirror and went back over to my closet. I fished out my sports bra and some leggings that came down to my knees. My phone started ringing from my bed so I went across the room, halfway to my bed.

It was Niall. I picked it up.

"Hey, what's up," I spoke into the phone, I then pulled it away from my ear and quickly put it on speaker, then threw it onto my bed.

"Well, there's bad news," I immediately stopped putting on my sports bra.

"And That is?" I questioned, still standing still as I waited for the answer.

"Well the guy that you bought from the hideout, he well um maybe died? We accidentally went too harsh on him," I immediately clenched my jaw.

"WHAT THE FUCK! NIALL! He was the only opportunity we had to find out about the gangs whereabouts without having to do much research," I snapped as I hurried to put on my workout clothes.

"Yeah I know, he was tryna piss me off and it worked so he's entered hell now," he sighed.

"Alright, I'm gonna hit the gym nearest to me and meet me there, there's still training I need to teach you," I instructed before hanging up. I grabbed a bag and put my phone in there, I didn't bother taking a gun but I took a knife just Incase something goes down.

I swung my bag over my shoulder, as far as I know, the gym is open 24/7. I've never actually been there, I normally stayed at the gym in the hideout but I didn't feel like driving there because it was at least an hour away, away from the city and in a deserted area. I headed out of my room and turned towards Derek's room but then I didn't feel the need to tell him since he was probably asleep and wouldn't even notice me gone.

I turned away and headed up the hallway, back through the lounge and other hallways, then down the stairs. Past the living room, Cinema room, kitchen, I reached the door. I swung it open and my breathing hitched as I saw who was standing there.

"Uncle Bilal," I breathed out. "What do you want!" I spat, regaining my composure.

"I just wanna talk," he explained.

"I don't think there is anything to talk about, the only thing between my family, and your family is hatred, I still can't believe, my favourite uncle decided to not take care of us and let us be sent to foster parents and then you come along saying that you wanted the property to sell it, I think it's clear that there shouldn't be anything to talk about," I snapped as I closed the door behind me.

"Look, I know I was in the wrong but come on, I just want my little Hazel and little Derek back," he pleaded.

"You had the chance, you blew it," I side stepped him and continued down, tears stinging my eyes. "ITS BETTER IF YOU GO BEFORE I COME BACK BECAUSE THEN IT WONT BE PRETTY!" I yelled. I opened the gate door and stepped out. Walking down the road, a tear slipped, remembering all the times I had needed him to help me and Derek, if he just accepted me and Derek, I wouldn't have gotten involved in this gang shit, it was all his fault, he could've prevented it.

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