Chapter 21

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Hazel's POV

As soon as I was sure that Damon had left, I shot up from the bed, running towards my closet but before, I quickly looked at my beside table that had a clock on it, Rodger is supposed to be picking me up so we can go for the 'meeting.'

There is going to be a big shoot down in the club, the guy that we are meeting with won't suspect a thing. Considering that we basically own that club so we can do whatever we want in it. Technically we actually don't but we made a deal with the person who actually owns it. Okay, I won't lie, we just threatened him but we also said that we will protect his club too.

It was about half seven and he was picking me up at 7:45. I swung open the closet door and shuffled through the dresses, I picked out a sparkly, little black dress that stopped right below my butt. I threw off my clothes and shoved it over my head and onto my body. I ran my hands over it, smoothing it out and then sprinted back into my room. I stood in front of my body-sized mirror and turned around slowly looking at myself.

I scrunched up my face, nahh, this wasn't the dress, I need something more sexy and something that makes me stand out from the crowd. I shook my head and went back over to my closet, searching rapidly through the dresses once again.

I then came across a sparkly red dress that shows a little of the side of my butt, the daring and sexy, the better. I need to look intimidating and have control. I pulled the dress over my body, some would say that it looked like a shirt but it was a dress. I went back in front of the mirror, pulling my hair out of my pony tails and running my hands through it for volume.

I again did a little turn but and then stripped off my knickers, putting on a thong so no one see it.

After that, I quickly rushed into the bathroom, grabbing a make up wipe and just wiping my eye make up off

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After that, I quickly rushed into the bathroom, grabbing a make up wipe and just wiping my eye make up off. I then picked up my brushes and got to work with a glam, sexy look. After messing up about five times, I finally achieved the look I was hoping for and Rodger was already honking his car outside.

I looked at myself one last time, smiling, as in a sign that my body approves.

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