Chapter 38

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Hazel's POV

My black laced bra fell to the ground and my breasts were on full show, the only thing covering my body now was my black laced panties.

Damon's soft, pink lips attached to my neck, leaving wet kisses up and down. I moved my next the opposite way, giving him more space. My eyes rolled to the back of my head. He took his time with my neck as low moans left my lips. My eyes were closed, sucking up all the pleasure I was getting. He found my sweet spot near my ear lobe and started sucking on it, I moaned as his hands trailed up my waist and to my breast, squeezing it and massaging it.

I knew it was going to leave a hickey but I just let him take control, I let him do whatever he wanted to me. I couldn't take it anymore and I turned around, smashing my lips onto his. My lips folded around his top one, kissing it, I then swapped it to his bottom one, we repeated this a couple of times, my hands around his neck, pulling him closer.

Our lips were moving in sync and butterflies erupted in my stomach, electric shocks running through my body, my stomach doing flips, all at the same time. I loved that feeling though. I craved more for it.

"Jump," he mumbled against my lips but it was really muffled. I obeyed and jumped, wrapping my legs around his toned torso. He pushed me against the wall of his bedroom, rough, just the way I like it. He led me up to his bed, without breaking the kiss and laid me on it, so now he laid on top of me. My legs were still around his torso. We pulled away for a quick breather before I was craving that stupid addictive shit again so I attacked his lips with mine again.

My hands folded around the hem of his shirt and then I began pulling it up, we broke apart just to take the shirt off and then I threw it somewhere in the room. My hands started roaming his chest and then back. I reached for his grey black trousers that he was wearing and then pulled them down, over his crotch.

He kicked them off so he was only left in one piece of clothing like me. He pulled away from my lips and started kissing along my jaw, occasional moans leaving my lips and his lips. He kissed down my neck and then onto my collar bone, sucking on it and then he bit it, sending pain and pleasure at the same time through my body.

The blood rose to the surface creating another hickey and he licked over his creation one more time before carrying on. He left open-mouthed kisses down the valley of my breasts, one hand reached up and squeezed my left breast, a small moan escaped my lips, trying to be quiet so no one else heard me in the house.

He stopped kissing once he got to my panties, I watched and bit my lip as I saw him bite onto the hem of my panties, slowly pulling them down my legs, he threw them somewhere in the room again. I couldn't help it anymore, the throb between my legs just kept growing and was unbearable.

"I need you now!" I demanded as I pulled his boxers down, he was really big right now, I love to know that I had caused it. He attacked my lips again and this time, I bit his lower lip, he sexily growled, my heart was racing for some odd reason, this isn't my first time, why?

"You left me, craving you earlier, you really think I'm gonna go easy?" He growled in my ear. His finger went down to my lower region, slowly causing friction against my opening.

"D-Damon, faster!" I demanded.

"Na-ah, I get to do the demanding," he spoke dominantly. I got the urge to close my thighs but I couldn't as he held them open. I really couldn't take this, it was painfully slow. He rubbed in a circular motion around my clit, throwing me off the edge. He then stopped and lowered his face in between my legs. His warm tongue made contact with my opening and I let out the loudest moan of the night so far.

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