Chapter 20

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Damon's POV

"Everyone got everything?" Allie confirmed, her eyes moving from one person to another. Everyone pretty much nodded and then we set on through the trees. Swinging my bag over my shoulder, we went into the trees, pushing the branches up, stepping over the overgrown roots, shooing away the creatures that happened to come in our way.

Eliza would just scream and duck waiting for another person to shoo it away for her, biggest drama queen I have ever met! I was right at the back and Haze was in front of me, every now and then she would turn to give me a reassuring smile to which I smiled in return and nodded my head.

"SNAKKKEEEEE!" Allie squealed, she was the first to see it considering she is right at the front. Everyone began to panic to get away from the poisonous snake, you may wonder how I know it's a poisonous snake? Any creature in a abandoned forest can not be trusted.

You can probably guess what Eliza was doing right? Well, if you didn't guess, she was running around frantically, around trees, jumping over the bushes. Then I heard Hazel mumble 'oh shit!" She then leapt up and gripped onto the branch above her, she then pulled herself up and sat on the branch- watching how the others are dealing with the situation. My eyes widened when I saw the large ass snake coming towards me, hissing and sticking its tongue out.

"Hey buddy," I muttered as I jumped up, grabbing onto the branch above me like Hazel, but I folded my legs over the branch so now I was hanging upside down.

"HELP MEEEEE!" Eliza screamed.

"Babe Just Jump onto a tree!" Jordan exclaimed.

"My clothesssss will get dirtyyyy!" She screeched. I rolled my eyes, so she would rather get poisoned than get her clothes dirty?

"Oh godddd! Just get onto a tree already or else we'll leave you behind," Allie snapped. She ran towards a tree and wrapped her arms around it, her legs copying. "Finally!"

After about five minutes, the snake gave up trying to make us it's food, so we got down from the trees but it took another whole ten minutes trying to convince Eliza that it wasn't going to come back.

We then, set off again through the trees.

"I found a cliff!" Caleb yelled so everyone could hear him. Oh no! A cliff? Means height, means everyone wants to take a photo, means they are going to tell me to come near to take a look at the 'beautiful' nature! Everyone began rushing towards it, including Hazel.

They all went to the edge, taking photos and videos.

"Come on Damon! It's really beautiful!" There, see! I guessed it! That was John by the way.

"No, no, it's fine, I can see it from here," I tried.

"Noooo, we wanna do a group photo! Come here!" Annabelle encouraged but I didn't feel encouraged at all. Haze then turned around and then walked towards me, a small smile on her face. She stopped in front of me and held out her hand.

"Come on, don't worry, I won't let you get a single scratch," I looked down at her hand hesitantly, then I looked into her eyes, I felt like I was being hypnotised because I found myself placing my hand in hers. I squeezed her hand and then she turned around and led me closer to the edge of the hill.

I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding and then looked down the hill, wow, we were high up. I didn't feel too scared as my hand was still squeezing Hazel's hand.

"Group selfieeeeee!" Eliza said in a baby voice, making us turn our heads and then she snapped a picture. "Now, us girlfriends will get on our boyfriends back and then Harry will take the picture since he is slender man."  Right, I didn't have a girlfriend.

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