Chapter 12

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Hazel's POV

I was being shook really frantically, but I really couldn't be bothered.

"Go back to sleep Rodger," I mumbled.

"Whose Rodger?" I heard a person whisper.

"Her so called friend," I think that was Damon's voice. I slowly fluttered my eyes open to see so many people surrounding me. My head was still on someone's shoulder, I looked up to see Damon.

"Why are you guys waking me up?" I asked groggily.

"We never went to sleep and gurlll you need to show us our rooms, we tried to find them but got lost and then went in circles and met back here so you need to show us," Eliza exclaimed.

"Alice. You should've told them," I groaned.

"Mate, I only came once before and then it was more than four years ago since I visited this house," she explained.

"Four years, why so lon-" I cut Harry off.

"She was in Canada with her parents," I lied to him, he nodded. "Your shoulder is too comfortable, I don't wanna get off," I whined to Damon.

"Too bad, get off and show us our rooms," he shrugged his shoulder making my head bounce up and down as well. I rolled my eyes and pushed myself off of the couch. I led them up the stairs and down the large hallway, I turned left and then down that hallway, then right  through the double glass door and into the lounge area and then down hallway next to the lounge until I got to my room.

"There's That room which is Alice's," I pointed to the one next to mine. "That room," next to the one next to mine. "That one," the one opposite me. "That one," one next to the one opposite mine and then finally. "That one." The one on the left of mine.

"How come you have so many rooms?" Allie asked.

"Kinda like Damon's, But my relatives don't live with me, but when they visit, they like their own room that no one has touched and they like to decorate it their own way and keep some of their clothes here. I like to keep the rooms around me unowned because of some personal reasons. Go to sleep now, I'm tired and we have to wake up for school to tomorrow, I have set up an alarm so I'll wake you guys up, no one sleep fully naked please because I don't wanna see you guys naked," I requested as I shut the door in their faces because I really couldn't be bothered to answer more questions.

Call me rude, I don't care. I'm just way to tired.

I flopped down onto my comfortable, king sized bed and stuffed a pillow between my legs. I then fell into a peaceful slumber.


The annoying sound of my alarm clock woke me up. I picked it up and threw it across the room to make it stop ringing. I sat up and yawned, stretching my body. I stood up and walked out of my room to wake up the others, I just hate Monday morning, they piss me off.

I opened the door to my right, I walked inside and went over to the bed to only see Alice on it. Where's Harry? I tickled her foot until she woke up and told her to get ready for school.  I was about to walk back out to see that Harry was on the floor.

I shook my head, trying to suppress my laugh and went over to his body, I again tickled his foot til he was awake.

"Get ready for school."

I went to the next room, doing the same thing, waking up Allie and her boyfriend, John. Next room, Eliza and her boyfriend, Jordan. Next room, Annabelle and her boyfriend, Caleb. Finally I got to Zayn's room.

I opened his door and walked over to his bed. He looked like a peaceful angel. Urgghhh it was so hard, I didn't want to wake him up. Dammit. I brought my hand towards his foot, I pouted but then I just gave up and started tickling his foot.

He didn't budge though, I then walked around the bed closer to him. I tried tickling his sides but he didn't move yet again. I tapped his shoulder but again the same results. I punched his back lightly; nothing. Then I remembered the time Harry woke him up in school, when he slapped him really hard.

I didn't want to slap this precious angel but I had to because I needed to get ready as well. I brought my hand up into the air, I closed my eyes as it went smashing down onto his face. He jolted up, out of the bed and he was holding up his fist.

That was so cuteeeee. Okay I'm fangirling I need to stop.

"You weren't waking up so yeah and get ready for school," I told him the reason about me slapping him. He groaned and I turned around to leave but was dragged down by something and onto his bed. His arms were wrapped around my waist and his face was buried in my neck. "Damon, get up, we need to go to school and our exams are at the end of this year, what if you miss something important," I tried to convince him.

"Baby stay," I wish I could say ye- Hazel stop. OMG he just called me baby, I'm going to die because of this boy some day.

"Damon nooo, let go and now get ready!" I untangled his hands from my waist and got up. I slipped back into my room and got my outfit out. Black leather jacket with a tank top underneath and black skinny jeans.

I put it on and went into the bathroom, washing my face and brushing my teeth. I put on make up which was foundation, mascara, eyeliner and lip balm. I then walked out and went downstairs to prepare breakfast. I was being such a good hostess.

Oh shit they are probably gonna get lost, everyone does, I got lost for a straight year when I first came to this house with my parents. I went back upstairs and knocked on everyone's door.

"If you don't want to get lost, I suggest you hurry up and follow me down!" I yelled, I leant against the wall as I waited for everyone to get out of their rooms. Soon enough, everyone came out and I led them back downstairs.

"Damon you're copying me?" I asked as I noticed his leather jacket.

"Nope, you're copying me," he protested, I rolled my eyes at him playfully.

I made everyone pancakes and for myself too. We all sat down around the table and ate. I literally felt like this was my family and I was having breakfast with my family. I smiled, I haven't felt like this in years.

"What you smiling at?" Harry asked.

"Nothing," I said and went back to eating my food. A tear formed in my eyes but I refused to let it fall and thankfully it didn't. We all went to school in our own cars that they came to my house in.

The rest of the day was pretty much a blur although my friends did leave me at free period for some reason, all having different reasons but I'm not sure if they are telling the truth...


A.n It wasn't the best chapter, it was kinda a boring one but next one would be better, I can assure you x


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