Chapter 6

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Hazel's POV

I wake up. Everything is still pitch-black. I try and move my hands but it doesn't even budge, I start to struggle, hearing chains rattling together.


I've been kidnapped. I bow my head down, towards where I can feel my hand is. Using my fingers, I pinch whatever is on top of my eyes and pull at it. Removing it from my eyes, I blink repeatedly to adjust to the bright light hanging above my head.

I looked around, I'm locked in a dark room with just one light and it looks like there is no exit. I closed my eyes, feeling hopeless.

A door opened, signalling that someone had come into the room. I lifted my head to see a black figure coming towards me, an injection in their hand.

"P-please let me go, I didn't do anything," I spoke, my throat extremely dry. I began coughing a little. He yanked my arm, aiming the injection on my skin. "Don't drug me!"

He stabbed the injection on my arm, a stinging pain shooting through me. I grit my teeth together. My vision began to blur again, I blinked rapidly, slightly scared of what was going to happen next. He sits in the wooden chair in front of me. He was wearing all black, a black mask too so I couldn't see his face.

Damn it!

"Now, your going to tell me the truth, where is your hideout?" He spat.

"I don't know what your talking about," I lied, he probably tried to me make me not sober since I can't control my mouth when I'm drunk. I was just a little tipsy, nothing close to drunk.

"I'm talking about your fucking gang hideout, Are you telling the truth?" He asked.

"O-o-of c-course, w-why would I be in a g-gang," I purposely stuttered to make it seem like I was just a scared little girl. He probably overheard when I was at the club. His fist collided with my face, oh I'm so done pretending I'm not evil!

It probably left a bruise, I spat out whatever was in my mouth to see it was blood. In the earpiece, I think I heard mumbling, something like 'Don't her,' I think maybe 'don't hit her!" Then again why would The Gang member/leader say that?

"Then why at the club were you saying that you were in a gang to a guy?" I think he was talking about Zayn.

"T-that was just my fantasy, I just like the idea of being in a g-gang, now, m-my mind has been changed," I stumbled over my words.

"Good because this isn't just a little kids game," he chuckled evilly, if I wasn't tied up, he would probably be seeing his life flash before his eyes.

"Your a pretty thing, maybe I should keep you around for a little while," He snickered.

Through his ear piece, I heard a 'No, let her go," through it. He then murmured a 'fine,' with a chuckle at the end.

He then stabbed another injection in me without warning, another stinging pain erupted. Everything began to get dark soon enough everything went black.


I shot up, sitting on the bathroom floor. Was it a dream? I glanced down at my arm to see two dots of blood meaning no, it wasn't a dream. I panicked as I looked around, I pushed myself off the ground. I stared into the mirror to see a streak of blood going down my face, I was about to turn the tap when I realised they turn off the water after six pm and all the lights too. I staggered towards the door but first I check the clock to see it was nine pm. My eyes widened, seriously?

I swung open the door and limped out, my leg hurting for some reason unless, they hit my leg or something. My body collapsed to the ground as it hit something. My foot twisted more causing even more pain. I groaned loudly.

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