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Damon's POV

I stared at the photo frame in front of me, three people smiling brightly back at me. It has been seven years since we escaped and let's just say we are finally stable and happy. Hazel and I have been married for five years and we couldn't be more perfect for each other.

"Do we tell her what happened?" Hazel questioned as she sipped at her coffee.

"When she is older, she has the right to know but for now, we leave it," I explained, looking back at the photo frame as Hazel left and went to the kitchen.

"Daddy! Daddy! Please can show me how to shoot this thing!" Sophie desperately held a play gun. She better not turn out like me and Hazel. I smiled down brightly at her as I picked her up into my arms, hugging her tightly. She's five years old now and she was just the person we needed to complete our family.

"Alright Princess, lets go do shoot it in the living room, yeah?" I asked, raising my eyebrows at her.

"But what if something breaks? Mommy will be mad," her voice so innocently cute.

"Daddy has such a great aim that nothing will break, let's go!" I sort of bragged.

"Yay! Let's go!" She began moving in my arms, itching to get onto the floor and run around. I put her down onto the floor as she ran, me following closely behind her. We were all living happily in Canada right now, we stayed in Russia- moving around for two years. We had difficulty learning the language so that forced us to move to an English-speaking country.

We got to the living room and she handed me her toy gun. There was a dart board on the wall which then I kneeled beside her to get to her height and then I aimed, holding it as if it was a real gun. I then shot, hitting the bullseye.

"Yeah! Go daddy!" Sophie giggled as took the toy from me. I went behind her and hugged her from the back as I helped her aim.

"Alright, three, two, one, shoot!" Sophie moved a bit making the plastic bullet shoot another way. My eyes widened as it hit the glass cup of the table. I shot up, trying to run towards it before it could fall but I was too late. I shut my eyes tightly as the sound of the glass smashing echoed throughout the house.

"Oh no!" Sophie gasped loudly.

"Run, run, run princess before mommy comes!" I yelled as I picked her up.

"Damon!" I heard the voice of my beautiful wife that was probably about to beat my ass at any moment. "Damon! What did you drop?"

"Daddy! let's go!" Sophie whined as she desperately tried to run but I was holding her. I started moving but before we could leave the room, Hazel came in through the door that we were supposed to leave from.

"You would think after living with you guys for five years, I would know exactly where guys are trying escape from?" Hazel looked at us as if she had just caught us stealing cookies from the cookie jar.

"Umm, shit?" I looked at her as I pouted.

"Shit!" My eyes widened as I looked at Sophie, knowing fully well that I was going to be in for a lecture soon. She slapped her forehead as if she was disappointed at me and Hazel.

"Damon!" Hazel complained.

"Princess," I whispered desperately in Sophie's ear. "Just because I say bad words around you doesn't mean you need to repeat them!" She let out a little giggle as if this was a game for her.

"Daddy do your work!" She whispered back in my ear.

"Now what is this Whispering about?" Hazel asked, crossing her arms.

"What work?" I whispered back.

"Mommy is normally giggling at night, tell her the jokes you tell her," it took me a moment to realise what she meant.

"Shhhh, don't say that," I kissed her cheek. I put her down and I stepped closer to Hazel. My heart beating crazily as I pulled her into my chest. "Mommy, please forgive us," I bit her earlobe. "Promise I will make it up to you tonight," I husked and she started giggling a little.

"Tell me the jokes too! Please Daddy!" Sophie jumped up and down.

"I'll tell you in a bit, Princess," I ruffled her hair as she groaned. I picked Sophie off the ground as I turned back to Hazel, she was still pressed against my chest. "I love you."

"I love you too," she smiled as she leaned in to kiss. I moved my lips against her, fireworks continuously exploding inside of me. Hazel made no move to pull away from me until we heard.

"Ewww! PDA!" Sophie covered her eyes as if she was scarred.

"Damon! Did you teach her that as well?!" Hazel looked at me with a very disappointed look.

"Maybe," I looked back at her guiltily and that was the story of our life. What happened to Harry you might ask, he had gotten an apartment from down our road and it seemed like he was finally moving on. Rodger continued to live although that really pissed everyone off, his gang won the shoot out making him the most dangerous gang of England. Derek had woken up as well and Jenna moved to Canada too. Hazel's grandma had passed away two years ago which Jenna was obviously heartbroken about as she didn't get to meet her. We were all just like a big happy family just hoping we would never have to touch the guns again although we did keep some for our safety.

"Daddy, how did you meet mommy?" That was the question that we knew we couldn't escape.

"Well," I looked over at Hazel as she shook her head. "Mommy over here was being very naughty in University with your Aunt Alice-" she cut me off.

"Where is she now?"

"In heaven, baby," Hazel answered.

"So daddy and Uncle Harry had to teach them a lesson. Haze here fell in love with me, I guess she couldn't resist me," I shrugged.

"You were the one who confessed in first," Hazel smiled, I remember that day like it was yesterday.

"Because I was the brave one!" I shot back.

"Yeah right!"

"Aweeeee, you people are so cute!" Sophie she hugged us both tightly.

"And so are you," I replied, kissing her forehead.

"I know," she answered making both me and Hazel laugh.

"And she definitely gets the cockiness from you," Hazel laughed...


End of Rivalry! Mannnn I'm so sad!!!!!!!!
I hope you enjoy this journey with me and thank you so much for supporting me! I love you guys sooo much! ❤️

Have a great day x

-M xx

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