Chapter 36

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Hazel's POV

Suddenly, the sun came out, filling the dark place with light, is this suppose to be a sign, does this mean I should tell him?

Without realising, I started sobbing my heart out, I can't do this. I really can't, what if he ends up leaving me?

"Hazel?" I heard a deep voice. I froze. Shit, how much did he hear? Fuck my life. I looked ahead, pretending I didn't hear him as I tried so hard to wipe all the tears away. "I know you heard me the first time," Damon spoke and then I gave up.

"How'd you find me?" I asked, turning my head to finally look at him. He walked over, taking cool strides and sat beside me.

"Alice somehow was able to find out where you were," he explained, looking ahead and then down at the violent waves.

"How long have you been listening to me yelling?" I dreaded this part of the question.

"Since I'm the best thing that's happened to you," he smiled at me. Fuck. "Haze, babe, you know I'm here if you wanna talk right? I promise, I will never not be there for you, even if we break up, even if we become the worst of the worst enemies. Right now, I'm promising you." Why is he doing this to me, sooner or later, god would decide that he hasn't had a good laughter in a while and take Damon away from me. "Haze, you're strong, the strongest woman I know, mentally and physically. And yes, you can trust me, tell me whatever you wanted to tell me, but you don't have to tell me now, tell me when you're ready even if it takes five days or five years." There was a moment of silence, where we both just sat in comfortable silence.

"Why does God love watching me suffer?" I asked more to myself but I feel like Damon had the answer as to why he replied.

"God loves you, that's why he's testing you," Damon told me. Everything's starting to make a little sense now, is Damon the one who has the answers for me?

"B-But shouldn't he be making my life easier than making it harder?" I questioned like he had all the answers.

"He wants to make sure that no matter what happens, you will never lose hope and if you lose hope then that technically means you've stop believing and trusting God." I looked over to him and nodded. "Can I know what made you think of coming here and screaming?"

"Derek's doing drugs Damon, he's trying to live in the past," I sighed, very concerned for Derek.

"Try and get him to be productive, forcefully take him out," Yeah right, what about my image? I guess I gotta sacrifice things to get keep other things.

I turned towards him and put my hands around his neck tightly, never wanting to let go. The aura around him just made me feel at home and helped me momentarily forget about everything that's going wrong in my life.

"Thank you Damon," I whispered.

"I love you," he kissed my cheek and then went back to hugging me. My breathing quickened at that, Why the hell is he doing this to me? I will not fall in love. Definitely not! I just let out a breath of air. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah," I breathed, pulling away. I went over to my motorbike whereas he went to his car. I revved my bike and then sped off but I didn't go home, I went to the hideout, I had to tell everyone that we were gonna be at war with the Rival team.

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