Chapter 29

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Hazel's POV

Me and Damon poked our heads before behind the wall, trying to catch the rest's attention. Harry and Alice were left to learn Urdu in the old mans room, I mean it's cool but only if you know swear words and funny words. We spotted a couple of seats around the others.

We waited until the professor turned her back on us before we snuck it. She was about to turn around so I had to push Damon to hurry up. He lost his balance and his hands slammed against the wooden desk creating a loud noise, catching everyone's attention.

I quickly sat on the chair as the professor gave us questioning looks. I simply smiled innocently at her and then she turned back to teaching. I covered my face with my hands to stop myself from laughing out while Damon was throwing glares at me. His jaw was clenched tightly as he grabbed the wooden desk in front of him.

"What are you guys doing here?" Eliza whispered.

"Got kicked out," Damon answered, she shook her head at us like a disapproving mother.

"You, me, Allie, Annabelle and Alice are going shopping after school for a wedding," I whispered.

"Considering you guys really know Urdu, why don't you stand up," The teacher spoke. Not this again!

"We're good," I told her. "We're listening."

She then shook her head at us before turning around again and writing something on the board. They were writing Urdu in English letters because even I can't read Urdu in its own letters if that makes sense.


We all walked together at the end of the day towards our cars, of course I went towards my motorbike. Mine was the first one to come across since I parked it near to the school.

"Woahhhh, where'd you get that?" Allie asked, examining it with a mouth hanging open. I felt proud as crossed my arms over my chest.

"Rodger," I smirked.

"My daddy!" Eliza squealed immediately afterwards.

"Ayeee, you got a boyfriend," I told her and she gave me a guilty look before observing the bike as well.

"I mean, we could alway-" She was cut off by a new person joining our group.

"Hey babe," Jordan kissed her cheek as he swung his arm around her neck.

"Unloyal bitch," I muttered under my breath.

"Did you say something?" Jordan asked, furrowing his brown eyebrows.

"Of course I didn't, right girls, meet me at blue street so we can do shopping," I instructed before swinging my leg over my baby, my motorbikeeeee, and revving it.

"Woahhh, when did you get a new bike Lez?" Jordan asked, his mouth hanging open.

"Last week," I shrugged. "I'll be on my way then, and hurry up, we haven't got all day, we are suppose to be going to Damon's house-" I was rudely cut off by Annabelle.


"Yeah that and he told me that he'll be picking us up at nine pm so we better get our outfits before then!" I then put on my black helmet although I would love to keep it off, the wind would just not let me see anything.

"Okay so we all meet at your house then after?" Allie asked.

"Yep," I nodded.

"Hey what about me!" Jordan whined playfully.

"Girl business," Eliza smiled.

"You guys have it boringggg, we get to dress up in great clothes while you guys just have to wear suits, I mean they can be hottt!" I fanned myself.

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