Chapter 16

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Hazel's POV

The holidays came around too fast, no sign of Damon and Harry coming to university, I didn't want to go camping because that means surrounded by friends all the time meaning no gang work. I didn't bother packing my gun because, what could possibly go wrong in a camping trip? I stuff some of my clothes in my bag, we are going for five days so I pack enough for five days and then some extras just Incase.

I put in some pot noodles, I am literally in love with them, I don't want boiled rice or anything so pot noodles will definitely do. I packed about fifteen pot noodles, three each day but hey, I'm not complaining. I put in my portable charger, moisturiser, shampoo, conditioner, lip balm and finally make up. I dumped my bag onto the floor and laid down on my bed.

I was still at the hideout and I was suppose to meet the squad down at the park in about thirty minutes and then we would be leaving in Allie's van; well it's not exactly hers, it's her uncles and he let her borrow it. I should probably get going because I don't wanna be the hold up of the group.

I swung my plain, black gym bag over my shoulder and headed out of the door.

"I am leaving for a five days so get like Niall and Emily to work on the Rival case for a bit, I'll be back round about..." I looked down at the calendar to see what day it was- it was Sunday. "I'll be back Thursday or Friday maybe, one of them, just tell that to Rodger and if he freaks than just tell him to call me," I informed one of the not-so-important gang member, I think his name was Chris or Christ, I couldn't be bothered to learn all the names properly.

He nodded because well he can't reject me since I have the second highest status here. I continued my way down the hall, through the conservatory, through the kitchen, around the laundry room and down the grand stairs. There I saw Alice sitting down on the couch with her bag next to her.

"I'm ready, let's leave," I informed. She looked at me when she heard my voice and then nodded. She got off the couch and picked up her two gym bags. She was wearing a flowery sundress. "Urrr, Alice, we are going camping for five days, not Bora Bora for a month."

"I know, I just am making sure I have everything I need just in case a fancy occasion pops up," she replied casually. I looked at her like she was the most dumbest person in the world.

"What 'fancy' occasion can pop up while camping in the wilderness? On the forest floor?" I raised my eyebrows.

"WHAT!" She shrieks. "Forest floor? Wilderness? Nooo we can't go!"

"Too late, we can't change plans because, I'll admit, I need a break from stuff too, let me help you unpack and then pack again," I offered.


"We are fifteen minutes late!" I complained.

"Sowwwyyyyy!" I rolled my eyes at Alice. We parked in front of the park and then hopped out. There I saw the squad playing chase, I think 'IT.'

"Sorry, we are late," I yelled, going over to them.

"Yep, but your earlier than Damon and Harry so yeah," Eliza told us.

"Shit!" I said.

"What happened?" They stopped playing whatever they were playing and I face-palmed myself.

"I forgot to give money to Derek, oh well, I think he has some so don't worry," I finished. They nodded and carried on playing.


It's been about thirty minutes and there was still no sign of Harry and Damon.

"Somebody call them!" Allie whined. I got out my phone and went into my contact list. I scrolled down until I found Damon's name. I pressed on his name and it started ringing. The ringing got louder and I looked down at my phone to see if I called the right person. I did.

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