Chapter 49

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Hazel's POV

I clenched my jaw, harshly yanking at the hand cuffs to break free, the chain was quite long so I could get off the bed and move around but it wasn't long enough to be able to reach the door- I could go into the toilet though.

Karma is a Bitch Hazel, you deserve this.

How do I deal with this? How do I escape now? But then I just remembered something. Damon betrayed me. I was about to betray him but he beat me to it. Did he trade me for his freedom too? My tear stained cheeks were red from crying. I feel so numb now, I don't even feel any emotions anymore except anger and rage.

Suddenly I heard the door opening making me close my eyes to pretend I was sleeping. I heard footsteps coming towards me, they were quite heavy- similar to Damon's. I tried to even my breathing so I didn't explode. The bed dipped next to me and I felt a course hand lay flat against my cheek- his thumb caressing my cheek.

"I wish I didn't have to do this," he sighed. "I love you and I'm extremely sorry but I happen to love my freedom more." Of course. I got traded for freedom, this whole life is a race and competition. Of course.

I heard him let out another sigh before he got up and his footsteps faded away.

I opened my eyes and sat up, watching the door open before he spoke to the men guarding my door.

"Tell me when she wakes up," was the last thing I heard before the door was closed again. I struggled against the hand cuffs again, trying my hardest to break free. I felt around in my hair, seeing if I had any bobby pins but sadly I didn't. My wrists were red and sore from all the struggling.

God, please send Alice to heaven, she didn't do anything wrong- it was all me. Please. I beg you. She was the best person anyone could ask for. Please.


Hours had gone by with me silently talking to myself or just sitting there or finding something in the room that could possibly help me get out of these cuffs.

"Hello!" I yelled. "I'm fucking awake! What do you want!"

The door opened and the guy looked at me with a disgusting smirk on his face. He came over to me.

"Damn, how I would love to fuck you so hard," he spoke, his voice sounded so dangerously low and his dirty eyes looking me over. I gave him a deadpanned look, my back leaning against the wood of the bed at the front of it. I fucking lost so I don't see a point of fighting anyone. I won't be able to survive anyway. I lost.

"I'd fucking like to see you try! Back the fuck off, she's mine," That was definitely not me. Skanky's head turned towards the doorway where the devil himself stood, in his tight black shirt and sweatpants hanging really low. i scoffed. Yeah right. "Now fucking leave before I torture you and every fucking single person you have ever seen and do not come in here without my permission." His voice was dangerously calm yet still threatening. My heart couldn't help but skip a beat but I would love to torture his ass before we are even.

Skanky nodded his head, scared for his worthless life and he hurried out.

"Come back soon!" I yelled after him just to piss off Damon. He looked at me with hurt flashing through his eyes. I almost felt bad but then I realised I shouldn't because I'm the one whose tied up right now. "So, how are you going to kill me?" I asked, getting straight to the point.

He took strides towards me, casually sitting next to me on the floor.

"I promised to never kill you," he spoke. "And I will keep my promise-" I cut him off.

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