Chapter 31

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Hazel's POV

It was Friday now, went University, zoned out quite a lot, but still revised because final exams next week. Well, this University worked really weirdly, you got to choose when you wanted to do exams, if you thought you were ready, it was halfway through the year, if not then it was at the end of the year. I chose half year of course, I want to get this done as soon as possible and my exams were next week. As well as the squads too because even though we muck around- doesn't mean we are dumb. There were strict rules for the exams- if you turn up late, you are not allowed to sit the exam, caught talking then you can't sit the exam, caught cheating, Hell you can't sit the exam. And no bribing the teachers to make your grades higher.

I threw my motorbike keys on the bedside table and changed into some loose clothing before just laying down on my bed. I was still really mad from yesterday. The only thing going through my mind- BlackFire, I let him get away! Frustratedly, I threw one of the pillows off the bed with so much force that it collided with one of the flower pots making it fall and shatter to the ground.

The sound of the glass breaking was like music to my ears and I just wanted to hear more of it. I got up, off the bed and changed... again... into a sports bra and leggings. I put a hoodie over because it was fucking cold. I opened the door of my room and walked out. I was starting to get the hang of this place, I knew a little bit of the area I lived around. I kept on walking until I found someone.

"Um, excuse me," I called out. The guy stopped, turning around to face me. He raised his eyebrows at me. "Is there a gym around here where I can box?"

"Oh right you must be the newbie," he muttered under his breath. Newbie? What the fuck? I was about to question him when he butt in. "It's down the hall, to the left, then right, past the laundry room, 7th door."

I began calculating that in my head yet I was still lost. I nodded and began going where I think he directed me to. Going down the hall, I turned left and then right, looking around like a clueless puppy. I then found the sign that had said to not cross the line because of some 'dangerous construction,' why would the guy lead me to a place with dangerous construction and wasn't this still like it like weeks ago when I last came here? I spotted the laundry room and that told me that I was close and wasn't exactly lost. I began counting the doors as I went down.

Sixth and seventh!

I opened the door to see a bedroom? But that wasn't what had caught my eye, it was the chains, whips and the amount of sex toys in this bedroom. My eyes were wide open with shock as I slowly closed the door. Wrong room. I opened the next door to see that it was finally the right room. There were so many rings and many people fighting. Some were placing bets on who was gonna win and other cheered the people on.

Some of the fighters were wearing masks so I think- if they lost, they didn't wanna go through embarrassment. The ring that had the most people surrounding in was the middle one. I could hear many bare fists colliding with bare skin. I immediately made my way to the middle, pushing past many other people because let's face it, I'm not the most tallest person so I couldn't see over the top of the peoples gigantic heads.

There I saw Damon fighting with the blonde haired lady. What the fuck Damon?!? Is he mad? He's fighting someone twice his age. The same blonde lady who was talking to Louis at the dinner table. The same blonde lady who I had mistaken for a couple of seconds to have been my mother. But the thing that surprised me the most was that the lady which I think her name is Jenna was getting most her punches in.

Damon was the one being beaten up and the lady seemed to have no problem. Suddenly, Damon had gotten so much power somehow and he retorted with so much force. He started getting so many punches in and the crowd went absolutely wildddd! Jenna fell to the floor, clutching her jaw and then she started laughing. Is she a mad woman?

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