Chapter 40

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Alice's POV

"NO!" Damon shouted he pulled at his hair. He grabbed anything that he could reach and threw it against the wall making another loud sound. Me and Harry managed to calm everyone and telling them there was nothing to worry about as soon as we heard the gun shots.

We were on the other side of the house and it took a while convincing everyone, reason why we were late, but we were able to make it before Hazel could kill him.

"Damon! Calm down! Please you're gonna hurt yourself!" Harry yelled, trying to go closer to Damon but it resulting him in taking a step back as Damon pushed his nightstand, making it tip over and things fell out of it. Harry then clenched his fists and stormed up to him, his raised his hand and slapped his face. Another gasp left my lips as Damon let out a sob and hugged Harry tightly.

Now that I look around, Damon's room is such a mess, shattered glass pieces laying everywhere and a wooden table with holes in it flipped on its side. His nightstand on the floor with things falling out of it. His bed sheets scrunched up on the floor.

I really didn't want to interrupt but I had to tell Harry that I needed to go. I cautiously walked over to them and then Harry looked over at me.

'How's Hazel?" He mouthed.

'Same' I mouthed back, shaking my head.

'I need to leave,' I mouthed as I heard a sob leave Damon's lips. It honestly broke my heart, they were definitely made for each other. I let out a sigh as Harry nodded. I left his room, my own tear slipping out of my eyes as I quickly wiped it away. I left the building and sat inside my car.

Hazel, didn't even notice me as I sat inside. I let her stay in her own little world as I drove to her house.


Hazel's POV

Love is the worst thing that can happen to anyone and that is a fact. I feel like I'm going crazy.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the car stop.

"You want me to stay with you tonight?" Alice asked. I looked over at her and stared at her for a bit, she will soon be snatched away from me as well.

"No, I need time to myself," I told her. I have to distance myself from people now, it would hurt too much when God decides to play his favourite game again. She hesitantly nodded as I got out. I waved at her as she left. I walked over to my front door, about to open the front door when I looked down at the clothes.

His clothes.

I'm going to burn these later. I kept a straight face and made sure no one could tell my emotions anymore. I wanted to be emotionless like I use to be. I turned the door knob as walked in. I felt so hungry so I decided to have some food. I went over to the kitchen. I walked around the kitchen island but my eyes fell to something else on the floor.

"Derek?" I breathed out, my breathing getting uneven. "DEREK WAKE UP!" I screamed as I fell to my knees beside him. I shook him vigorously as tears fell out my eyes. I screamed at the top of my lungs as he didn't move. "I FUCKING HATE YOU!" I screamed looking up at the ceiling. My eyes then fell on the note on the floor beside him.

You wanted me gone. Now I'm gone.

"NO DEREK! PLEASE! DON'T DO THIS TO ME! I NEED YOU! PLEASE!" I screamed while endless tears left my eyes. I quickly reached for the house phone that was in the kitchen. I grabbed it, making the stand of it fall to the floor. I quickly dialled 999 because I didn't know who else to call. After two rings, they picked.

"999 what's your emergency," the lady spoke on the other side.

"PLEASE!" I shrieked. "HELP ME! CALL THE AMBULANCE PLEASE!" I cried, I kept crying as she asked for my address, I couldn't form any words. "M-my brother!" I was able to get out.

The phone fell out of my hands as I cried, screaming while my head rested on Derek's chest. Soon but not soon enough the ambulance came barging into my house because I had left the door open. I think they probably heard my screams as they came rushing into the kitchen. They picked up my brother, taking him outside while I followed behind.

"Please help him!" I begged.

"We are trying to be as fast as we can, Miss" a guy tried,

"BE FASTER THEN!" I yelled in his face, "Please," it came out as a whisper. I sat inside the ambulance with Derek as they put somethings on him. "Please be alright." I whispered, countless tears streaming down my face. The sirens went on as the ambulance began moving. "PLEASE DRIVE QUICKER!"

Sobs left my lips as I kept on saying sorry.

"Derek, I'm sorry, please, I'm sorry, I'll be a better sister, don't leave me! I promise! Please!" I begged again and again, all the way to the hospital. They got him out of the ambulance and led him into the hospital. I followed all the way to the operating room. But when I tried to go inside, they stopped.

"HE'S MY FUCKING BROTHER! LET ME IN!" I screamed, earning sympathetic looks from people. I didn't want that shit! They tried to calm me down as I fell onto the chair. After a while, I had stopped crying. I think it was seven pm now. It was pitch black outside. Unfortunately, I was still breathing.

I went over to the reception and asked to use their phone and they allowed me. I dialled Alice's number and after a couple of rings, she answered.

"Hello?" Her voice managed to calm me down a little.

"A-Alice," my voice cracked.

"Hazel!?!" She yelled. "Why are you using the hospitals number!"

"Derek! Please! Come!" I choked out as I couldn't form words.

"I'm coming, just give me two minutes!" I nodded, although she couldn't see me. I then put the phone down and went back to the chair near the ICU.


Alice was now sitting by my side as I once again cried on her shoulder.

"He's going to be okay," she soothed. I nodded, not knowing what else to do. After a while, the doctor came out and took off his mask.

"What happened!" I asked as I shot up from my seat.

"I'm sorry to say..." he stopped and looked down at the ground. I felt my world crashing down.

"FUCKING TELL ME!" I screamed, shaking him violently as Alice tried to get me off of him.

"He's out of danger but...He's in coma."



Quick short update x
Have a great dayyy x

-M xx

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