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"What happened?"

The waiter came and brought Seokjin his coffee, but he didn't react at all. He only focused on me.

"Umm... You remember when I told you about Jungkook?"

"I do."

I sighed deeply.  "He kinda confessed to me when he was drunk."

"That's good!" Seokjin's voice rose and he tried to put some positivity into it.

"He doesn't remember. He acts as nothing happened." My voice sounded weak. I looked outside the window again.

Seokjin reached out for my hand and held it tightly. I looked into his eyes and saw a faint smile forming on his lips. His warm hand warmed up mine and made me calm down.

"And what do you feel?" He let go of my hand and took a sip of his coffee.


"Do you have feelings for him?"

Answering this question used to be easy for me. Both of us would get asked this all the time. And it seemed like both of us were always clear about it. But apparently, it changed.

"He's my best friend." I avoided any eye contact with Seokjin.

"You have to get clear about your feelings." 

I tilted my head and leaned my back against the chair.

"Why can't everything change back to how it used to be?"

Seokjin smiled and took the last sip of his coffee. "Things change. And that's good. You become adults."

I tried to smile back to him and thought about his words.

"I have to go now. Please call me later.", he said and got up before walking to the waiter and paying for both of us.

After sitting there for a few more minutes and finishing my coffee, I got up and was about to leave.

While I was putting my jacket on, the door opened and this weird aura filled the whole room. He was standing there, while all eyes rested on him, hypnotized by his charisma.

He wasn't paying his surroundings any attention and walked to my direction, where I was standing, frozen, looking at him with big eyes. Our eyes interlocked and his tired expression changed into shock.

I looked away and rushed out of the building, closely followed by him.

"Please, let's talk."

I stopped and turned around slowly. "I don't want to talk to you, Namjoon."

"It won't take long."

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