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Namjoon's POV

The bitter liquid burned it's way down my throat. I had to squeeze my eyes together a bit, before placing the glass back on the table.

Yoongi filled it back up right away and seemed to be amused by my misery.

"I've never seen you be so in love with someone.", he said while chuckling.

I sighed loudly and drank up. Then I sank down in my seat, lighting myself a cigarette.

"I'm not in love, okay?"

Yoongi lit himself one as well. We sat on an old couch on the rooftop of the motel Yoongi lived in since ages, but the nice old lady owning it started liking him so she just lets him live there.

The rooftop was unused so he started collecting old furniture and build us a place to hang out.

The view wasn't that amazing though, since the motel was located in a poor area.

"Are you sure she isn't really in love with that boy?", Yoongi asked suddenly.

I furrowed my brows, not really knowing the answer myself but I wished I finally would.

"He's a loser.", I said quietly.

Jandi was gone for weeks now. Not answering my messages or calls and also not being there, when I waited in front of her college.

I saw Jungkook a few times but I didn't want to cause Jandi any more trouble because of me, so I chose not to bother him.

"She'll come back, trust me.", Yoongi calmly spoke, not looking into my eyes.

"How'd you know?"

My voice was loud, angry. Yoongi didn't even know her.

Aside from that one night when Hoseok beat up her little friend because he wouldn't stop telling Yoongi what a disgusting faggot he is, Yoongi never saw her again.

"I just know."

Yoongi got up and threw his cigarette bud of the roof.

"I gotta go now.", he said. "You can stay here as long as you want."

He gave me a brofist and left with a smile.

It was getting cold slowly, so I closed the zipper of my jacket and closed my eyes for a while.

With my hand in my jacket's pocket, I tightly grabbed my phone, desperately waiting for it to vibrate.

I would wait forever only to get one single message, one single call of her.

See her one more time.

That's all I wished for.

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