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A few seconds went by, as I was thinking about a question good enough to make him uncomfortable, but not make angry.

"With how many girls have you slept?"

Namjoon seemed a little shocked about my sudden directness but his expression quickly turned into a smirk.


I stared for him for a while, my mouth slightly opened.

"You have to be honest."

"I am honest.", he said.

Not really believing him, I shook my head slightly and looked at my phone to check the time.

"It's getting late, I sh-"


Namjoon grabbed my wrist, that I was holding the phone with and slowly lowered it, still holding on to it. His fingers were cold, yet I felt the warmest I ever did before.

"I enjoy it so much with you. Let's go somewhere. Let's get drunk and talk all night."

His voice cracked a bit, sounding desperate and needy. Something I would've never thought of Namjoon.

I couldn't believe the situation. I just stared at him, feeling that deep inside my heart a part of me wanted to stay. But up in my head, everything told me to run. To go back home to Jungkook, faking a love that doesn't exist, so everything could stay just how it was.

I moved his hand away, that was still holding on to me and looked at my phone once again.

A message from Jungkook.

Namjoon sighed, standing up and walking towards the edge of the building.


He got on top of the barrier of the rooftop, looking down and making my heart race.

"Namjoon stop it!"

I felt my eyes tearing up slightly and noticed how I already cared too much for this stranger I barely knew. Slowly I walked up to him, knowing how unpredictable he was. I stopped right behind him, feeling the adrenaline rush through my blood and moved my hand slowly towards him while he just stood there still.


He suddenly grabbed my hand tightly, terrifying me and making me scream in fear while falling down on my knees and grabbing on to the ground under me.

A single tear fell on the cold stone and I slowly looked up to Namjoon, who was facing me.

His expression made my heart beat so fast, thinking about how he could just take me and throw me off this building in any minute.

But instead of that, he kneeled down with me, holding my face up with both of his hands. I felt how more hot tears streamed down my face, and Namjoon wiped them away with his thumb.

"Isn't this exciting.", he suddenly said. "Isn't this exactly what you want."

I didn't understand what he meant with anything he said. And I didn't care. All I was thinking about at that moment was, how even without opening up to him, Namjoon just made me vulnerable to him. He now had the control over me he wanted.

But there weren't any negative feelings in me, as I aspected. All I felt, while he was holding me, wiping away my tears and looking deep into my eyes while speaking softly, was


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