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Waking up the next day was hard, because it was a school day. I couldn't do it, I really don't want to go to school, it wasn't really fun for a person like me. Besides getting good grades school wasn't the place I'd like to be. I knew I couldn't skip though, my mom would think I was kidnapped or killed.

So I got up showered and dressed, and waited for Joey.

"Hurry up Joey I can't be late I have a test to take". I yelled from the stairs

"Bitch Your the only person I know who has straight A's and still panics when a test comes up, calm your titties down".

"Hoe, I can't! I don't want to fail". I snapped back

"Slut, you always say that and you never do". He clapped back


Joey and I always had these types of arguments when we call eachother names. It's weird, I act all cool here but when I get to school I'm just the weirdo scary nerdy girl


"Just come on Joey". I whined

I ended my journey down the stairs and into the kitchen, opening the fridge and grabbing a chocolate chip muffin. Which they should have know was mine when Joey allowed me inside his home.

"So you just come and grab what you want now huh". A disembodied voice, chuckled out and I turned with a muffin in his mouth.

"I mean I basically live here, so it's only right if I becomes my house to". I giggled, turning out slowly, to meet the face of Logan. His tall frame towering over mine. It was Joey's more muscular, much straighter brother.

"Hey Logan". I chuckled, opening my arms for him to give me a hug.

"Hey little bit". He came up towards me, grabbing my waist and lifting me and pulling me into his chest, hugging me tightly.


Logan and I have a brother sister relationship. I treat him like a brother he treats me like a sister. No feeling there, it's all mutual.


He did about a few spins, and slowly set me down, looking into my eyes.

"Still just as feisty as ever huh". He joked

"If your not feisty, than what are you". I sassed, laughing afterwards

"Bitch I'm done let's go" I heard coming down the stairs, from Joey's mouth.

Joey ran down the stairs and plopped on the floor. He walked over to me grabbed my arm and yelled. "Logan, we have to go no time for talky".

He dragged me out the door and I choked out one more thing. "Later Logan".

Joey pushed me to my car and waited for me to unlock it. I pulled out my car keys and unlocked the door, getting in.

"Good thing I always keep my backpack in my car". I thought I myself

I gripped my steering wheel turned my head back and pulled out the driveway. The drive to school was really quiet. I looked over for a second and seen Joey glued to his phone.

"Joey why are you so quiet". I asked concerned

"Bitch, what I just screen shotted right now will totally make your life better". His smile was so goofy, that I knew the tea he just figures out was hot! Extra hot!

"What...what did you find? Is it juicy! Is it good!".

"Calm down my little fluffy munchkin,  time will tell, and by time I mean the end of the day".  He laughed

I pulled into the school and searched for the parking spot. Going around cars multiple times trying to find somewhere I wanted. I was on the early side, so it wasn't going to be hard, I just was picky on which one I'd like to park in.

"Oooo girl look over there, hottie in a barely there toppy". Joey screeched out, making my head slowly turn, while I pulled into a space and looked over in that direction. Michael in a wife beater hanging out with a group of boys.


Michael was looking real good. His arms were so toned. He wasn't to buff, but buff enough. Well even if he was a scrawny little boy I'd still like him. I'm literally melting in my seat right now just looking at him.


Michael looked over at my car and waved, my heartbeat went up a little, so it caused me to completely embarrass myself by ducking instead of waving back like a normal human. I hid there for a while, until my heart stopped beating a million times a second. When I got back up he was gone.

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