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The babies stayed with us tonight, I'm giving my Auntie a break with these two handfuls. I changed Honesty and Hassan into pjs and put Honesty's new clothes that I had bought in her little backpack.

They both ran around the house since they seemingly weren't tired. Good thing my sisters love playing with them, they are tiring them out for me.

Michael's big kid self went and played with them. I sat in the living room on the recliner and watched TV while they played around.

"Auriel, I'm flying". Honesty said aloud

I looked over and Michael had his feet on her stomach lifting her off the ground.

"You big babies".

He lowered Honesty and got up pulling me over. He had my by my hands and he laid back quickly placing his feet on my stomach before I even got the chance to stop him.He pushed me up in the air.

"Michael". I whined. "Put me down".

"Not until you agree to have some fun".

"Umm.... put me down before intimacy between us becomes a fantasy".

He put me down almost immediately. I gave him a "I won" smile and tried to walk away but he picked me up.

"I don't care about intimacy, you smiling is what I like to see". I giggled as he spun me around in circles. "There's that smile". He laughed

He placed me down in front of him and kissed me. "EWWWW" erupted from the room. I looked over Honesty and Hassan were giggling.

"Come here you". I ran after Honesty and Hassan chasing them through the house. Until Honesty tripped and it was time to stop playing.

Honesty didn't cry she just got back up and continued running. For a 4 year old she is really strong any other 4 year old would have cried.

After an hour the kids and I decided to lay down on a pallet we made of blankets on the floor watching some movies.

1 week later

Michael and I are packing for our last day here. I had an amazing time here, it's going to be hard saying goodbye to my sisters.

I put my bags in the car and walked back in the house. I said goodbye to all my sisters and wished Ciara a quick recovery.

Michael and I loaded into the car while everyone was outside still yelling at us saying goodbye and how they will look forwards to seeing us again.

Michael pulled off and I watched them as we drove away, watching their figures get smaller and smaller until they disappeared. I passed out during Thea 5-6 hour drive and slept the whole time leaving Michael to himself until we got home.


When we got home I hurried inside the apartment. Joey was in the living area singing
"Anything you can do I can do better". In a giant shirt which when I look at it I think it was a shirt Michael left.

"Um..Joey". I tapped his shoulder

He jumped and threw the broom.

"Bitch you almost sent me into cardiac arrest". He said while holding his chest. "But Heyyy". He gave me a huge hug.

"Are you in my mans shirt?". I asked

"I look good". He posed and I just laughed.

"Yeah whatever". I giggled

"Oh girl we got the hookup for your birthday celebration tomorrow".

"Birthday celebration?".

"Your about to turn 21 you are going drinking with us, no matter what you say".

"Hey just in advance before you waste your money I don't think I'll be a big drinker just saying".

"You also never drank before".

"It smells".

"Oh bitch". He made a dummy look

"Oh nothing I'm going to bed". I walked away into my bedroom.

"Yeah go to bed you grandma". Joey called from behind me.

"This grandma is going to sleep good though". I sassed. I walked straight to my room and went to sleep in my bed I didn't want to deal with anything else. I didn't even bother to change, I know I went to sleep during the drive home but I still felt tired.

By morning I was rudely awoken by Joey jumping on my bed in a party hat and blowing into loud ass streamers. "What the fuck Joey". I groaned leaning up in bed.

"BITCH HAPPY FUCKING BIRTHDAY". He screamed. "MICHAEL". He added. Michael walked inside with a tray full of food. I looked next to me in bed wondering when he got out of bed.

Chocolate chip pancakes stacked high, French toast covered in strawberry syrup and whipped cream, and maple bacon.

"So are you guys trying to give me diabetes... or wait better yet your trying to kill me you want me to have a heart attack don't you".

"Bitch we just trying to show you how SWEET you are.... get it sweet because of all the sweet sugary breakfast.... oh I'm not good with sayings like that".

"It's good that you tried Joey". I giggled

"Bitch Michael and I went shopping after your granny ass went to sleep yesterday".


"Go your ass in the bathroom and take a shower with your stinky ass and change".

"Oh shut the fuck up Joey".

I ate some of the food they brought in then went to take a shower.

I walked out the bathroom and all jaws dropped

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I walked out the bathroom and all jaws dropped. "OH...MY....BITCH.....If looks could kill I'd be dead right now".

I giggled.. "You don't think it's to much".

"Shut your mouth".

I looked towards Michael he was eating his food and when he looked up he dropped his fork. He quickly got up and went into the bathroom. I peeked the door open and he was loosening his pants making them loose on his body. He was trying to cover himself up, I closed the door shocked.

"Joey". I whispered

"Girl I already know what's happening I seen it when you first stepped out the bathroom". He waved his hand around while talking. "Girl that boy thinks you look mighty good, that boner was INSTANT". He said instant loudly. I walked over to shut him up.

Michael walked out the bathroom and looked around, he seemed nervous.



"How do I look".

"G..good, g...great".

I walked towards him and he backed into the wall. This once dominate male was gone and I have no idea where he went. I lifted my knee and slightly grazed it across his crotch. He groaned and I smirked.

I don't know if it's because it's my birthday, but I will bring his dominate side out.

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