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"To play this game we get to ask 10 questions each, you ask ten and I ask ten you have to answer them truthfully no lies Auriel". He looked serious, as if I was going to really lie right now anyways.

"Fine". I replied, rolling my eyes

The questions started off nice and simple as in "What's your favorite color". But as we got to our 7th question the questions got more serious and in depth.

"Question number 7 for Auriel, do you have a boyfriend".

"No, now your question, why were you and Miranda together so long". This was a burning question I've had for a long time.

"The girl I actually wanted didn't seem interested in me so when she asked me out I jumped on it, she was cute so why not". He shrugged his shoulders. I nodded my head, so she basically meant nothing to him. I was getting more confident. He went on to ask his next question.

"Are you a virgin".

"Y...yes". I'm 16 about to be 17 and I'm still a virgin. Yes usually girls give that up but I'm not about to give it up to some highschool boy I'm just not about that life.

"Don't be nervous". He chuckled. "There's nothing wrong with that".

"My turn, who was the girl you were interested in". He looked around the room, I guess thinking of something to say.

"Well I got to tell the truth and the truth is I can't tell you the answer to that because if I do some things between me and you might not be the same".

"What do you mean". I questioned

"Ah ah ah girl it's my turn". He brushed me off to give his next question. "Do you have a crush".

Damn I knew this question was going to come out eventually. Do I answer it honestly or do I go with a no. I can't just tell him in a game, that wouldn't be right.

"I do now yeah". I replied. "Now what do you mean things won't be the same".

"As in if I tell you the girl me and you might not be able to be close anymore and that's the last think I want". I was confused, why wouldn't things between us stay the same? "Last Question who is this crush". He asked

I thought for a minute. I didn't want to tell him but it has to come out sooner or later so fuck it.

I got my feet and walked to the door of my room. "You" I said as I walked out the room and downstairs into the kitchen. I grabbed a bottle of water and started drinking

I could here his footsteps coming down the stairs. He entered the kitchen and I stared him down. I walked towards him and tried to walk past him out the kitchen drinking my water but he grabbed my arm. He yanked me back making my water spill on the both of us.

"Michael this water is cold". I squealed

He yanked me again and this time towards himself. He towered over me and looked down with a faint smile. His lips pressed against mine in a heated kiss. His soft lips gradually taking over mine just like they did last time.

His while he was kissing me, his tongue found its way into my mouth. He grabbed my hips, lifting me and carrying me over to the island counter. I wrapped my legs around him, pulling him closer, deepening the kiss. The intensity increased but I didn't mind.

He broke the kiss and looked into my eyes. Connecting his forehead with mine while we each took in a few breaths.

"I like you to".

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