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He walked over deeper inside the house. We all had very confused looks plastered across our faces. I walked over and sat down on Joey's lap putting my arm over his neck.

"Well, I also came to start from the beginning, Cheryl here might have told you some things well I'm here to help clarify".

I grabbed Joey's hand as his father started to talk.

"When I first found out that your mother was pregnant with Logan I was actually happy, I had a baby on the way and everything seemed to be going well". He smiled. "But things between your mother and I didn't go so well". He admitted

"What are you talking about Keith" Cheryl spoke up.

"Cheryl and I got into a little argument right before Cheryl gave birth. She ended up kicking me out the house, so I left and she ended up giving birth and I knew nothing about it. Until the next day when I tried going home and she wasn't there. I got to the hospital late but I surely made my way there. Logan was a healthy bouncing baby boy and I was smiling so hard I think my cheeks were hurting".

"Mom you kicked him out". Joey asked

"Honey it was just one of those normal couple relationship arguments, I was pregnant and mad so yeah I kicked him out I didn't need the stress"

"Go Mom!". He cheered happily which made me nudge his side again.

"Well about maybe 3 years after Cheryl was pregnant again and I got scared. It was already hard enough to raise Logan and I didn't think I was doing a good enough job. So at the end of your mother giving birth to you I left the hospital and I went and started a business in hoping when I returned I'd have enough money to ensure both my kids and wife a better life". He explained

Joey squeezed my hand when his father started talking about leaving. I squeezed his hand back a little just to let him know I'm with him.

"It's okay Joey". I whispered in his ear.

"Well anyways I started a business and I guess by my attire you can tell I'm not really poor. My business is actually going really well a-".

"Are you here to flaunt your money because I still don't care". Joey snapped at his father.

"No my son, I'm here to offer you a chance to get money as well, I need a partner and now that your of age I think you and your brother could actually be apart of the business and-".

"Nope, no thank you bye bye now". Joey didn't seem interested in anything his father was saying.

"Fine but I have to take my wife, since I signed the release forms I have to care for her".

"Mom you don't have to go if you don't want". Joey explained to his mom.

"I'll be back, your father is harmless don't worry about me baby". He smiled

She stood and walked out the door with Mr. Matthews. The door closing right behind them both. Joey's grip on my waist was tight I gave him a hug and let him cry on my shoulder.

"It's okay Joey, it's okay". I cooed in his ear. "Joey don't cry I don't want to see you cry".

He lifted me off his lap and stormed into his room slamming the door.

"Well now I have to tend to this angry grizzly bear". I said in my head. I walked over and grabbed Michael's arm which he was flexing since he was mad. I pulled his arm as hard as I could trying to yank him into the room.

He didn't budge, I jumped on his back and kissed his neck.

"Don't....be...mad". I said between kisses. "Come....with....me". I hopped off his back and pulled him into the bedroom in which he actually moved this time.

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