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This song go perfectly with this scene. I knew about this song for some years now and I while writing this chapter this song popped in my brain and I was like YUP ADDING, Y'all will agree while reading.

"Did you have a good time, I hope the wedding was up to your expectations", I joked

"It was amazing, by the way cute outfit". He has been eyeballing it. Staring at my body for a cool minute.

"Thanks". I Smiled. "You know, I never really expected this, to go where it went".

"This?" He questioned

"You and me, I didn't think we'd end up where we are now".

"And where are we now, huh" He tilted his head to the side.

I stood up of the chair at the bar and walked away towards the brides only room. I was about to walk in when my arm was yanked and I spun around.

"Auriel you can't say something like that then walk off".

"I can and I did".

I yanked my arm out his grasped and walked into the bridal room, he followed but I expected him not to.

"Michael this is the bridal room for "BRIDES" aka females", I turned and started walking up the stairs.

"Do it look like I care". He said to me
I ran up the rest of the stairs and into the dressing room which was sound proof.
I ran into the dressing room and tried to slam the door, but Michael got there in just the nick of time.

"Move Michael! Get away". I yelled

"NO". He growled, while pushing the door wide open. It threw me back on the floor. I groaned in slight pain.

"What the fuck Michael". I groaned

"Talk to me". He boomed. He turned closed the door and locked it. I was stuck inside.

"Talk to you about what Michael, there is nothing we need to discuss...what I said back there was just a slip up. I didn't mean anything by it so can you just GO AWAY". My eyes were getting glossy.

"It meant something ,other wise you wouldn't have said it...Please talk to me". He begged

"I don't have anything to talk about". I turned on my heels but he dropped to his knees and clung to my leg.

"Talk to me". He pleaded. "Please talk to me".
I pulled my leg from him as he got to his feet again.


"Why...why can't you talk to me, I want you to be able to talk to me, about anything". He looked right in my eyes.

"I...I...I". I really couldn't get the words out.

"You what, talk to me".

"You.. Michael..your the reason".

"The reason for what". He pried

"Your the reason why I doubted my marriage, the reason why I was having second thoughts. I didn't feel the same thing with Jason that I felt with you. Hell, the only reason I ever said yes to him was to try to get over you". I cried, I was full blown crying now. "I..I needed a distraction from you, from us, from what we had".

I turned around and walked over to the far end of the room, making distance between Michael and I.

"I...I didn't know". He spoke

"Is that really all you can say right now, are you fucking serious... I'm done just LEAVE...GET OUT". I rose my voice

He didn't budge he stood right exactly in the spot in the middle of the room.

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