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2 years later

These past 3 years have been memorable. Joey's YouTube actually reached 25 million and me I was right behind him with 20 million.

We have the best fans in the world so supportive and everything we do. Tonight Joey and I decided to celebrate that. Meaning we are going out to the club.

And being myself you know I declined at first but Joey is so stubborn that he didn't take no for a answer.

I invited one friend from my old job to come with me her name is Jazmine. She is a nice girl very sweet and quiet. We became friends from my first week of working there and once I left she did visit me a lot.

Joey was driving to her house once we got there we collected her and drove right to the club.

"You look great Auriel".

 "My bitch always look good in camo style"

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"My bitch always look good in camo style". Joey commented from the front seat. Jazmine and I laughed and waited in the back seat while he drove to the club.

Jazmine and I just talked in the backseat until we felt the car stop. We both got out the car and walked in with Joey into the club.

The loud music blasting in my ears as soon as I got inside. You could barely hear yourself think in here. There were a lot of famous faces in here. I swear I thought I seen Nick Cannon.

"Joey how did we get in here". I asked punching him.

"I have my ways". He yelled through the music

The first thing he did was go to the bar and pulled Jazmine and I along with him. He ordered shots for all of us and when they got back Jazmine and him took them.

"Auriel aren't you gonna drink some". Joey asked

"No someone has to drive home". I stated

I'm 20 and my 21st birthday is in a week and I'm not really a goodie goodie I'm just not about to break a law to get drunk.

After Joey took many shots he was definitely drunk and I could tell. Jazmine on the other hand took about three shots and stopped.

"Girl I have work to get to in the morning. I ain't getting that drunk". She pointed at Joey who was dancing on the dance floor like a crazy person.

I shook my head and laughed and we both went over to join him. While I was dancing with Joey I felt someone bump into me. Their drink spilling down the back of my shirt.

"Hey watch-". I was cut off immediately I wasn't expecting to see his face ever again. "Michael". I added on

His smile was bright and white, his teeth just as perfect as ever.

"Hey Auriel you look nice. Having fun?". His words going through one ear and spilling out the other.

"I...I'm good. I mean yeah I'm having fun". I was making a complete fool of myself.

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