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When I woke up I was on the bed and Michael was no where in the room. I hopped off the bed and gave myself a second to get used to the light that was shining through the window.

I walked slowly out the bed towards the kitchen when I seen Joey walk in and stand in front of a pan that was on the oven. He was cooking?

My mouth dropped was I walked closer to the kitchen to see Michael also in the kitchen cooking. Both of them were cooking and doing they thing in the kitchen.

Joey usually waits for me to do things like that. And when I was living with Michael I still did most of the cooking. I walked into the kitchen and stood behind the both of them. I was quiet so they didn't really know I was there.

That was until Joey turned around to through a eggshell in the trash. He jumped and almost spilled the eggs.

"Bitch, you scared the shit out of me". He chuckled setting the eggs down and giving me a hug. "Why you up so early, and when did he get here". He said that last part in a whisper pointing to Michael. I pulled Joey out the kitchen and in the living room.

"He was at the club". I whispered. "He helped me bring you home and I...".

"Bitch you slept with him, he GOT YOUR BOX". He got louder

"Shhh, keep it down. No I didn't sleep with him, I just kissed him". I whispered

"Bitch you kissed him, why". He asked as his time changed

"I don't know.. I.... damnit Joey it just happened Okay". I said in a whisper scream.

"Man either you gone get some dick or you ain't remember yo ass is almost 21 and you still a virgin". He snickered

"Fuck up Joey damn". I said slightly embarrassed

"I know yo ass ain't sleep with Mason he look like he had a small dick". He joked

"This isn't funny asshole". I swatted his arm.

"I just think it's funny that you look the way you do and still ain't got nun". He said looking at me.

"Is that a damn compliment or insult". I looked dumbfounded

"It's both, the fact that your pretty, but your scary ass still a virgin". He laughed

I jumped to cover his mouth. "Stop laughing so loud". I was getting more and more embarrassed as this conversation went on. Joeys laughing slowed and he began to speak again.

"I'm sorry Bitch you know I love you but this is just to funny". He snickered

"Fuck you bitch". I said walking into the kitchen and grabbing a water bottle. I looked over to see Michael shirtless wearing a pair of earbuds. He didn't even notice that I had entered.

I walked over and yanked the earbuds out his ear and yelled right in his ear.

"MICHAEL!!". I screamed

"Ahh". He jumped

I laughed loudly and turn to walk out the kitchen. I was pulled back by my pajama bottoms. I hit Michael's chest and his hand flew to my bottom smacking it hard

"What the fuck Michael". I yelped in slight pain

"That's for screaming in my ear". He whispered

I turned to give him a glare and walked right out the kitchen into my bedroom. I don't know why I allow Michael to do the things he does. We aren't together so we shouldn't be so close.

I walked into my room and sat there looking up at the ceiling. I turned over a bit to lay on my side to catch up on some more sleep.

My eyes almost shut when my door opened abruptly.

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