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"Why are you here". I spoke coldly I didn't like the fact that she was here ruining my peace with me and my fiancée.

"I just wanted to invite you to my baby shower, I was in town and I heard you lived here so I thought why not".

"Umm, how about because I don't like you, and my fiancée is your ex". She was sounding oh so dumb right now,why would we want to go to her baby shower. Why would I want to go celebrate a demon spawn.

I hope this baby was nothing like it's mother, the world can't handle another mini Miranda.

I didn't even notice that she had a belly, but I decided to look down to meet her baby bump. She looked to be about 6 months into her pregnancy.

Michael and I just got in a good place and it hasn't been that way since we met. The last time I could remember me and Michael actually having a good time was back in our high school days when he basically stayed over my house.

I'm not going back to those days, I refuse to fight with Miranda over this, I refuse to even get involved with her.

She had a invitation in her hand to her baby shower. So I immediately put a smile on my face and walked over taking it from her hand.

"Oh my god this looks like it will be fun, yeah we will be there". I spoke

"Great". She smiled and walked back to her car that was parked in the front of the house. I pulled Michael's hand and led him in the house. He looked shocked and surprised at me reaction.

"We going to her baby shower". She asked questioningly.

"Hell no". I laughed. "I just didn't want to fight her. Michael I'm tired".

"Tired of what?".

"Of this, of fighting with people and obstacles. First it's us breaking up multiple times, then it's that car crash incident, then it's Amy getting shot, then it's Lauren, now Miranda. I'm really done I'm not putting up with this no longer, so if I have to lie to that bitch so we can get on with our lives well so be it".

I walked over to the trash ripping up her invitation card, then throwing it away.

I walked back over to Michael he was smiling his ass off.

"Your really cute when your stressing".

"Stop it". I complained

"No you really are".

He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

"Michael what are you doing".

"We finishing what we started in the car". He chuckled

Let's just say we had fun that night.


I woke up my hair in its natural curly state, it falling on my shoulders and touching my mid back. A pure lioness in its natural habitat, I decided to get up and brush my teeth then sitting back in the bed to take some pictures.

No makeup or anything, just this natural face I get to call my own. In middle of picture I felt some lips meet my cheek and I closed my eyes taking a picture smiling hard.

It was my favorite picture out of all the pictures I have taken this morning. I looked over at Michael who sluggishly looked at me.

"Good Morning ugmo". I giggled

"Morning beautiful". I blushed at his words as he got up to brush his teeth. He came back to bed and gave me a kiss.

"Oh how I love your fresh breath in the morning". I giggled.

"You always make a face when I don't brush first". He joked

"Cause your morning breath be on A1 I don't need to be tasting that". I busted out laughing and fell back my head hitting the pillow.

"You still be kissing back so laugh at yourself".

"Oh shut up". I laughing calming down my laughing. "Can we relax like we used to, you know back in high school days".

"I loved them days, I stayed at your house like a hermit". He joked

"You sure did, can we please watch movies".

"Don't worry gurrrll I got that Pretty Little Liars on my list". He started talking in a accent making me laugh.

We sat on the bed and watched movies all morning and afternoon.

Should I make a part 2 to BFB? I want to continue on with this, I have way more drama down my sleeve.

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